Ethos Team


What is 'Ethos'?

Our Ethos Team play a huge role at St Matthew's and they contribute towards the upholding of our Christian Vision, making sure our school continues to be a very special place. The young leaders in our Ethos Team live out our Christian Values of Love, Friendship, Creativity and Respect. 

What do our Ethos Team do?

Our Ethos Team work alongside our school leaders and school practitioners. They place an incredibly valuable role as the pupil voice of our Christian distinctiveness and they meet weekly to discuss more ways that we can serve each other within our school family and our communities. They also:
  • prepare the hall for Collective Worship
  • organise prayers and songs for Collective Worship
  • gather evidence of our core Christian Values in action across the life of our school
  • create displays which reflect the Christian Values we live by at St Matthew's. 



Take a look below at our Ethos Team galleries to see some of the work we get up to around school. 

Harvest Service - October 2022

Ethos Team opened and closed our Harvest Service at St Thomas's Church on 5th October. We opened with prayers and guided everyone to think about the reasons we were gathered together in church. 


Operation Christmas Child - November 2022

Ethos Team raised money for Samaritan's Purse - Operation Christmas Child 2022 by having a non-uniform day in October. Children were invited to wear red and green for a £1 donation. We raised a huge £253! Ethos Team met to decide what we would purchase for our shoeboxes and we made shopping lists, making sure that any items we planned to purchase adhered to the Samaritan's Purse guidelines. We then visited B&M Bargains in Bolton Town Centre after school to buy our chosen items. The week after, we met back at school to pack and wrap our shoeboxes. It was a very busy couple of meetings, but we are really proud of the jam packed shoeboxes we put together, and we hope they bring joy and happiness to those in need.


Christmas Card Collection for Bolton at Home - November 2022

Ethos Team arranged for every class to create beautiful Christmas cards for Bolton at Home this year. The cards will be put into winter activity packs for the elderly across Bolton. We hope our Christmas cards bring a smile to the faces of those who receive them. 

Advent Service - November 2022

Our Advent Service on Wednesday 30th November was beautiful and got us feeling very Christmassy! Ethos Team opened and closed our service and every class contributed towards it. We had signing to music, songs, drama, art work, reflections and prayer. We joined together in song and shared moments of peace as we reflected on how the birth of Jesus brought light into our lives.


Leading our Vision Worship

On Friday 9th December, Ethos Team delivered worship to the whole school, launching our new Christian Vision 'Let all that you do be done in love' 1 Corinthians 16:14. We had met before to prepare our worship, choose the songs, write prayers and talk about how we would share our new school vision with the whole school. We talked about Paul's letter to the Corinthians, and how we would use this teaching to inform how we were going to live out our new vision at school. 
Here are some of our reflections on our new vision. 
"With love, our diverse school community can have friendship and respect for everyone. This vision shows how hard we are all working to include everybody and be an inclusive place." Khalid
"Love in our school community makes us complete. This is a true gift. We are a team and we can do anything. With this love, we share. We reach any goal. We can make our school a better place. Love is the key to life, and the key for our school." Haleemah
"With love we have everything. By showing love, we make our world a better place. If we showed no love it this school it wouldn't be a fun or safe place to go to. With love, our school has potential, friendships are made and people trust each other. Together, we can do anything and everything. Love unlocks all doors and helps us to achieve anything!" Sakina
"Without love we have nothing. With love, our school has potential. With love we have a safe, nurturing place to learn and have fun. Together we can all make our school an inspiring place to be! We can learn to help care and love as our school family." Eshaal
"If you have love, you feel like a million colours. If we have love, our school will be nurturing and inspiring. Without love, everything would be dull. Love helps us to set all our goals and dreams." Azza

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