Welcome to Year 4M's class page 2024/2025
The teachers in our class our Miss Manly, Mrs Musa, Miss Harris and Mrs Jones
Upcoming events
Year 4M Class Assembly - Wednesday 22nd January 2025 2:30pm
Lent Service at St Thomas' Church - Wednesday 19th March 2025
PE days
PE days are now on Tuesdays (with Commando Joe) and Wednesdays. Please ensure that children have the correct PE kit on these days.
Please bring your reading book to school every day so we can read with you.
Please read a few pages at home every day and ask an adult to sign your reading record
Homework is handed out on a Friday afternoon. Children are encouraged to complete this as soon as possible and try to hand in before Wednesday but Friday at the latest. As well as this, a spelling list is given out for your child to practise at home ready for the spelling test on Friday afternoon.
Year 4 Multiplication check
This year, the Year 4 multiplication check will take place during the week commencing 9th June 2025 until Friday 13th June 2025. It is important that your child is in school during this week so that they are able to complete this statutory test.
Here are some websites that can be used to practise the times tables.
Curriculum Overview for the Spring Term
Year 4 Spring Term Curriculum Overview 2024-2025
Spelling Overviews for the Spring Term
Year 4 Spring Term Overviews
In Spring 1 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
Last: The Story of a White Rhino by Nicola Davies | Lila And The Secret Of Rain by David Conway | Cinderella OF the nile by Marjan Vafaeian | Anansi and the Golden Pot by Taiye Selasi | Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit
Our reading lessons (Pathways to Read) in Spring 1 are all based around the book 'Volcanoes' by Maria Gill
In English lessons, all of our writing lessons (Pathways to Write) are based on one of our Five Reads 'Escape from Pompeii' by Christina Balit.
There are lots of different writing opportunities to enable children to learn and use the mastery keys for Year 4. In our writing, we will be using standard direct speech and a variety of verb forms correctly and consistently. We will still be using fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases. We will be writing a story using the mastery keys.
Take a look at what we have been up to this half term.
ART - Wax Resist
We coloured a whole piece of paper using wax crayon and then painted over using a mixture of black paint and soap. Once dry, we used different tools to scratch off the paint to reveal the brightly coloured wax and created art.
SCIENCE - Comparative and Fair Testing
We carried out an enquiry to find out the best material for sound proofing. We used data loggers to measure the volume and carried out a fair test.
COMMANDO JOE - Den Building
We used a range of available equipment to make a den that would fit in all of our team mates.
SCIENCE - Observing over time - Sound Throughout the Day
We used data loggers to measure the volume (in decibels) of our corridor at different times of the day.
ART - 3D and Proportion
We created drawings using charcoal. We set up a range of equipment in the classroom and tried to draw the items thinking about shading, 3D and proportion.
We learned all about the different parts of the ear. Before completing our work books, we worked in groups to label diagrams of the ear.
ART - 3D Drawing
We used our pencils to shade and create 3D drawings. We practised the skills drawing a piece of ribbon.
Here is the curriculum overview for the whole Autumn Term
Year 4 Autumn curriculum Overview
Year 4 Autumn Term Spelling Overviews
In Autumn 2, our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
Our reading lessons (Pathways to Write) in Autumn 2 are all based around the book 'The Train to Impossible Places' by PG Bell
In English lessons, all of our writing lessons (Pathways to Write) are based on one of our Five Reads 'Leon and the Place Between'.
There are lots of different writing opportunties to enable children to learn and use the mastery keys for Year 4. We will be writing descriptions of settings using expanded noun phrases and a range of conjunctions. We will be writing diary entries using the mastery keys.
Science - Observing over time
In our science lessons, we have been looking at states of matter. In our of our investigations, we looked at how the temperature of water affects the speed that an ice cube melts.
Science - States of Matter
We learned about the states of matter and then made our own ooblek which is a special liquid called a non-newtonian fluid. It behaves like a liquid and can be poured but, under pressure, behaves like a solid.
PE - Circus Skills
As our class novel in our writing lessons was based around a visit to a circus, we decided that, in our PE lesson, we could practise a variety of circus skills. We practised balancing, juggling and lots more.
In Autumn 1, our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
In Autumn 1, our reading lessons (Pathways to Reading) are all based on the book 'Rise Up' by Amanda Li.
In English lessons, all of our writing (Pathways to Write) are around the book 'Counting on Katherine' by Helaine Becker
There are lots of different writing opportunties to enable children to learn and use the mastery keys for Year 4. We will be writing descriptions of settings, scenes including dialogue and non-fiction biogprahy texts.
Take a look at what we have been up to this half term.
Science - Identifying, classifying and grouping.
We collected a variety of different leaves from our Forest School and used our knowledge and skills to group them.
Art - Shadow art
We used cardboard to create letters for special words and then created shadow art by using them to cast shadows onto the ground. We had to wait for a sunny day.
Art - 3D sculpting
We drew our designs on paper and then used plasticine and carved them to make 3D sculptures.
Art - Chalk 3D drawing.
We talked about 3D and tried to make our chalk drawings look 3D on black paper by shading.
Here are some apps our children have logins for at home. These apps will help support their learning in school.
https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0 | https://ttrockstars.com/ |
We have put together some useful websites that will help support your learning.
Click on the picture and it will take you directly to the website.