Welcome to our class page
Year 2M 2024-2025
Class team - Miss May and Miss Phillips
Miss Mather (Friday afternoon )
1:1 support -
Mrs Ahmed
Miss Nulisha
Miss Catherall
Upcoming events (2025):
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
Monday and Tuesday
Please make sure you bring your PE kit in a bag on these days. PE kits can be left in school in our classroom PE box.
Please bring your reading books and records into school everyday so we can listen to you read in school.
We encourage parents and carers to read with the children at home to help them become a more confident reader.
This half term we are reading:
When Cucumber Lost His Cool by Michelle Robinson and Tom Knight
Jungle Jamboree by Jo Empson
Space Tortoise by Ross Montgomery
That's My Flower by Alice Hemming and Nicola Slater
Ebb and Flow and Their New Friend by Jane Simmons
Please bring your red spelling book into school everyday.
Our weekly spelling test will be every Thursday and you will get new spellings to stick into your red spelling book. We encourage children to practise their spellings at home.
Spellings are split up into 3 groups depending on their phonics group.
The spelling's are updated weekly on our window display.
Year 2 - 2024-2025
Class Assembly
This week, we performed our class assembly to KS1 and our parents. It was all about our school value, love.
2M Class Assembly 2025
PE - Sprints
In PE, we have been practising how to sprint quickly. We worked on our technique, in order to get quicker at running.
DT - Food
In DT, we have just started a new unit on healthy food. First we looked at the five food groups in order to make a healthy, balanced diet.
PE - Javelin
In PE, we practised how to throw a javelin with power and accuracy. We had a little competition of who could throw it the furthest.
Science - Plants
In Science, we set up an experiment to investigate 'Whether plants grow better in the dark or light?' We will revisit the plants every week to check on them.
We have started our new topic money. Today we looked at pence and how to count coins correctly.
Throwing and Catching
In PE, we have been practising sending and receiving.
PE - Gymnastics
In PE, we have been looking at how hold different balances. We explored how we can balance on 1,2 or 3 parts of our bodies.
English The Dragon Machine
In English, we have been focusing on creating noun phrases. Today we practised working in groups to collate ideas before we apply them individually.
In PE, we have been focusing on sending and receiving. In todays lesson we looked at how to throw with accuracy.
2M PE Sending and Receiving
Art - Mark Making
We have started our new Art unit which is looking at how to mark make with charcoal and white chalk.
2M Art Mark Making
PSHE - Emotions
We have read the book Colour Monsters and we drew pictures that represent our own emotions. This helped us to understand how we have a range of emotions.
Blackpool Zoo
Year 2 went to Blackpool Zoo as part of their Science topic. We loved seeing such a range of animals.
2M Zoo
In Maths, we have been focusing on Column Method. The children have been using base ten to help solve their calculations.
2M Column Method Maths
In English, we re-created a rocket blasting off into space. Our classroom transformed into a spaceship.
2M Look up!
In Maths, we have been focusing on Place Value. We have been making lots of two digits number.
2M Arithmetic Place Value
PE - Jumping
In PE, we have been practising fundamental movements. Today we focused on jumping and how to land safely.
2M PE Jumping
PE - Rocket Building
In English, we are looking at the book Look Up! by Nathan Bryon. We have been learning how to write instructions. Today we built a giant rocket and focused on the steps to make a cardboard rocket. This helped us to write instructions.
2M Rocket Building
Cohort 2023-2024
Tuesday and Thursday
Please make sure you bring your PE kit in a bag on these days. PE kits can be left in school in our classroom PE box.
Please bring your reading books and records into school everyday so we can listen to you read in school.
We encourage parents and carers to read with the children at home to help them become a more confident reader.
This half term we are reading...
Please bring your red spelling book into school every Friday. Our weekly spelling test will be every Tuesday and you will get new spellings to stick into your red spelling book.
We encourage children to practise their spellings at home.
Year 2 Summer Curriculum Letter
Have a look at what we are learning this term!
Year 2 Summer Curriculum Letter
In English, we have been learning about adjectives. We worked in small groups to mindmap a range of interesting adjectives.
We learnt how to communicate through semaphores. This is how people used to communicate in the past.
Zero to Hero
For our final theme lesson, we created a personalised thank you card to our favourite Zero to Hero figure. First we planned our design then we created it using a range of different materials.
2M Class Assembly
We created a class assembly which focused on the value 'forgiveness'. We worked together as a team to create a performance that highlighted the importance of forgiveness.
2M Class Assembly
We have been learning about electricity and how to make a simple circuit. Here are some photos of us experimenting with different ways to make the light bulb turn on.
For one of our big writes, we are going to write a set of instructions on how to make rice crispy cakes. First, we made the rice crispy cakes and talked through each step that we will use in our instructions.
In Art, we have been learning about an inspiring artist called Christy Brown. Christy brown had cerebral palsy so he used his feet to paint. We discussed the resilience and perseverance that Christy Brown embodied and applied his art practise into creating our own art work.
Maths - Money Unit
In Maths, we have been learning all about money. We have really enjoyed using the coins and notes manipulatives to help embed our learning.
PSHE - Affirmations
We have been learning to take care of ourselves and how important it is to prioritise our own wellbeing. We wrote special affirmations, which we can read to ourselves every morning we come into school.
Instructions - English
In English, we have been learning about instructions. We made Jam sandwiches and unpicked the imperative verbs and time adverbials that were used in the instructions.
Computing - Coding - Beebots
We have started learning all about algorithms! In today's lesson, we inputted instructions into the Beebots and it created an algorithm.
100% Attendance
These children achieved 100% attendance for the Autumn Terms!
2M 100% Attendance
Zero to Hero
In Theme, we have started a new unit called Zero to Hero. We started looking at the inspirational figure, Michael Jordan. We practised shooting hoops and we found it very difficult but we learnt to never give up and keep persevering.
Make Equal Groups
In Maths, we have been learning to make equal groups. Here are some photos of using making equal groups.
Year 2 Autumn Curriculum Letter
Have a look at what we are learning this term!
Year 2 Autumn Curriculum Letter
Christmas Party!
KS1 had their Christmas party! We did lots of dancing and singing. We also had a special visitor, which was Santa!
The Mayors Christmas Concert
On Friday, we watched the Mayor's Christmas Performance. We listened to lots of live music and sang along to our favourite Christmas songs.
Guided Reading - Hey Ewe!
In guided reading, we have been practising reading our lines for our Christmas performance. We worked in pairs, to read the sentences. Then we performed it with expression.
2M Guided Reading 3
Science - Plants
We have been learning about how to keep plants healthy. We sorted images of plants which were very unhealthy because they had too much water, too much sun or no water at all.
2M Science Plants 2
RE - Good News
In RE, we have been learning about the Christmas story. We have learnt that God sent angels to spread good news to others.
2M RE Angels
Cesar Manrique
In DT, we have been focusing on the artist Cesar Manrique. We designed and created a wind toy, which was inspired by Cesar's work.
PE - Team work games
In year 2, we have been focusing on teamwork and finding ways in which we can work well in small teams. We have been playing lots of games which has helped us to get better at our team work skills.
Science }- plants
In Science, we have been investigating how water travels through the stem and leaves. We will observe how the celery changes colour over the next couple of weeks.
Bury Fire Training Centre
Year 2 visited the Bury Fire Training Centre. We learnt lots of new information about fire safety. Our favourite part was practising STOP DROP AND ROLL.
Geography - A walk around our local community
We went for a walk around our local community to spot the physical and human features.
Guided Reading
We have been learning about plants in Science, so today we have reading a non-fiction text on plants. We have been practising the skill of scanning through a text to spot key vocabulary.
2M Guided Reading scanning a text
We created a poster on purple mash promoting E-Safety in school.
2M Computing E-safety
Geography - Comparing how places change
In Geography, we have learning about human and physical features. We looked at old pictures of the school and then went on a hunt around the school to spot how the school has changed over the years.
2M Geography School Tour
Science Investigation
In Science, we have learning all about plants. In today's lesson we planned each step of our investigation. Then we got the opportunity to plant the seeds and put them in different parts of the school.
Trip to The Hive
PSHE - Special messages
In PSHE, we are learning about relationships and friendships. Today we wrote a special message to someone in the classroom to remind them how special they are.
y2 PSHE 23-24 special message
Green Cross Code
In PSHE, we have been learning how to cross the road safely.
2M Green cross code
PSHE - Speaking and Listening
In PSHE, we focused on our speaking and listening skills. We played lots of games and activities which helped us to develop these skills.
We have been learning all about place value. We have been using our base ten and part whole models to partition 2 digit numbers.
2M Maths Place Value
In PE, we have been playing fun warm up games such as the animal game. We have been moving our bodies in different ways to create different shapes and sizes.
2M PE 1