At St. Matthew’s CofE Primary School we take very seriously our responsibility to prepare children for life in modern Britain. We ensure that the fundamental British Values are introduced, discussed and lived out through the ethos and work of the school.

All curriculum areas provide a vehicle for furthering understanding of these concepts and, in particular, our Collective Worship experiences alongside RE and PSHCE lessons provide excellent opportunities to deepen and develop understanding. Children embrace these concepts with enthusiasm and demonstrate a good understanding of their application to their own lives.

The school makes considerable efforts to ensure children have exposure to a wide experience beyond our local community during which these concepts are shown, through, for example, sporting events, a range of visits and use of outdoor education centres. Their strong rooted values-based understanding gives them an excellent platform for embracing difference. The graphic below illustrates this in more detail:

Spiritual development:


For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful.

Psalm 139.13-14


Spiritual development in our school enriches and encourages the pupils’ discovery of God the creator, of their ‘inmost being’ and of the wonder of the environment.


This is promoted through:

  • exploring their relationship with God and the sense that they are his children, unique and loved by him;
  • exploring and experiencing prayer and worship from a variety of Christian traditions;
  • giving thanks to God for all aspects of school life;
  • discussing and reflecting upon key questions of meaning and truth such as the existence of God, the origins and purpose of the universe, good and evil, life after death;
  • considering the value of human beings and their relationship with God, with one another and with the natural world;
  • discovering how the creative and expressive arts enable spiritual development;
  • opportunities to discuss feelings and emotions openly;
  • recognising and encouraging the use of personal and group gifts and talents;
  • opportunities to develop their gift of imagination and creativity;
  • encouraging curiosity and questioning so that their own views and ideas on religious and spiritual issues can be developed within a secure environment where faith is valued;
  • developing a sense of personal significance and belonging;
  • encountering Christian fellowship.


Moral development:


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God – what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12.2


Moral development in our school is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, which offer pupils a secure foundation stone on which to make decisions and build their lives.


This is promoted through:

  • developing a sense of right and wrong based on the teaching of Jesus Christ;
  • recognising the values identified within the Bible: truth, justice, trust, love, peace, compassion, forgiveness, reconciliation and redemption;
  • learning to follow a path through the conflicting demands of faith, family, peers, society, the media and the world of ideas;
  • recognising the importance of personal integrity;
  • developing mutual respect across racial and religious divides;
  • recognising that people’s rights also imply responsibilities;
  • developing a sensitive conscience.


Social development:


As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples.

John 13.34-35


Social development in a our school develops pupils’ understanding of what it means to live in a Christian community where Jesus’ command to love one another is put into practice.


This is promoted through:

  • developing a sense of empathy, compassion and concern for others;
  • building relationships within the school and between the school, the parish and the local community;
  • considering how Christian beliefs affect decisions at local and national level;
  • investigating social issues from the perspective of Christianity and of other faiths, recognising the common ground and diversity that exists between them;
  • providing opportunities for pupils to articulate their own views on a range of current issues and to show respect for the opinions of others and a willingness to learn from their insights.


Cultural development:


There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female,

 for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3.28



Cultural development in our school provides opportunities to develop an understanding of Christianity as a worldwide, multi-cultural faith that has an impact on the lives of millions of people.


This is promoted through:


  • promoting an understanding of Christianity from a global perspective through encounters with people, literature and the creative arts from different cultures;
  • exploring the diversity of Christianity worldwide with particular reference to the diversity of the Anglican community;
  • considering the relationship between British and European culture and Christianity;
  • appreciating the diversity of cultures within Britain.




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