Welcome to Year 4C's class page 2024/2025


The teachers in our class our Mrs Cottam, Miss Kay, Miss Harris and Mr Newton


Upcoming events



PE days


PE days are now on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Please ensure that children have the PE kit on these days



Please bring your reading book to school every day so we can read with you.

Please read a few pages at home every day and ask an adult to sign your reading record.



Homework is handed out on a Friday and should be completed at home to be handed in by Friday morning at the latest.  As well as this, your child will be given a spelling list to learn ready for a spelling test on Friday afternoon. 

Here is the curriculum overview for the whole Autumn Term 

Year 4 Autumn curriculum Overview

Year 4 Autumn Term Spelling Overviews



In Autumn 2, our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:

W. E. Joyce - Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore BookLeon and the Place Between : McAllister ...Ocean Meets Sky: 1Malala's Magic PencilThe Lost Homework (Travellers Tales)

Our reading lessons (Pathways to Write) in Autumn 2 are all based around the book 'The Train to Impossible Places' by PG Bell

The Train to Impossible Places (Train to Impossible Places #1) (Train to Impossible Places Adventures)


In English lessons, all of our writing lessons (Pathways to Write)  are based on one of our Five Reads 'Leon and the Place Between'.

There are lots of different writing opportunties to enable children to learn and use the mastery keys for Year 4.  We will be writing descriptions of settings using expanded noun phrases and a range of conjunctions. We will be writing diary entries using the mastery keys. 

Leon and the Place Between



Take a look at what we have been up to this half term. 





In Autumn 1, our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:

In Autumn 1, our reading lessons (Pathways to Reading) are all based on the book 'Rise Up' by Amanda Li. 


In English lessons, all of our writing (Pathways to Write) are around the book 'Counting on Katherine' by Helaine Becker

There are lots of different writing opportunties to enable children to learn and use the mastery keys for Year 4.  We will be writing descriptions of settings, scenes including dialogue and non-fiction biogprahy texts. 


Take a look at what we have been up to this half term. 

Curriculum Overview for the Spring Term

Year 4 Spring Term Curriculum Overview 2024-2025

Spelling Overviews for the Spring Term 

Year 4 Spring Term Overviews


In Spring 1 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:


 Last: The Story of a White Rhino by Nicola Davies | Lila And The Secret Of Rain by David Conway | Cinderella OF the nile by Marjan Vafaeian | Anansi and the Golden Pot by Taiye Selasi |  Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit 

Our reading lessons (Pathways to Read) in Spring 1 are all based around the book 'Volcanoes' by Maria Gill


In English lessons, all of our writing lessons (Pathways to Write)  are based on one of our Five Reads 'Escape from Pompeii' by Christina Balit. 

There are lots of different writing opportunities to enable children to learn and use the mastery keys for Year 4.  In our writing, we will be using standard direct speech and a variety of verb forms correctly and consistently.  We will still be using fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases. We will be writing a story using the mastery keys.



Take a look at what we have been up to this half term. 


Here are some apps our children have logins for at home. These apps will help support their learning in school. The times tables are particularly helpful to help improve speed at their times tables, ready for the Year 4 test in June.

MATHSFLEX                                                         TIMESTABLE ROCKSTARS                                            


https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0   |        https://ttrockstars.com/                             |          https://readingeggs.co.uk/

We have put together some useful websites that will help support your learning.


Click on the picture and it will take you directly to the website.


https://www.timestables.co.uk/multiplication-tables-check/ is a fantastic website for the children to practise in preparation for the Year 4 multiplication check which takes place in June. The layout is the same as the official test. 

         https://st-matthews.bolton.sch.uk/images/vFYOm4_3_400x400.jpg          https://st-matthews.bolton.sch.uk/images/p0818pf5(1).pnghttps://st-matthews.bolton.sch.uk/images/social-sharing.png

https://st-matthews.bolton.sch.uk/images/unnamed.jpghttps://st-matthews.bolton.sch.uk/images/download.png    https://st-matthews.bolton.sch.uk/images/download_(1).png       






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