Welcome to our History Page

History widens our knowledge and understanding of the world, society and provides identity. It teaches us to understand change, development and how to learn from others. It is a vital part of the National Curriculum and all children are entitled to a high-quality History education.


At St. Matthews’ School we aim to engage pupils’ creative and critical thinking about change, both globally and the implications for the future. Our shared vision is that pupil’s historical knowledge and skills are to be developed through analysing and judging different sources of evidence and understanding its importance when piecing together the past. We want History to encourage pupils to explore how the world has changed, the processes involved and the impact and legacy of change. We will teach chronology to help pupils see ‘the big picture’ of historical narrative, enabling pupils to make connections between different periods of the past and the present. It is also important that pupils’ use their historical understanding to help them to interpret events and actions in a balanced way.

For pupils to succeed in History, Teachers will follow the Dimensions ‘Learning means the world’ Curriculum which covers National Curriculum objectives through specific History units. It covers local, national and international History. It uses a knowledge building ‘pillar of chronology’ to allow pupils to develop their learning within each phase. Teachers tailor their planning considering their individual pupils.


EYFS (Explorers) - Linked to the Statutory Framework area, Understanding of the world.

KS1 (Pathfinders) – Fit people and events into a chronological framework.

Lower KS2 (Adventurers) – Establish clear narratives within periods of History.

Upper KS2 (Navigators) – Make connections between periods of History.


See below for our History Policy.

History Policy

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