Y1M 2024/25
Welcome to our class page
Class team - Mr Mistry, Mrs Barlow, Mrs Bradshaw and Mrs Ozard
Upcoming events:
School finishes for Christmas. Finish at 1pm - 20th December 2024
Back to school- 6th January 2025
Class Assembly - 2nd April 2025
This term our PE days will be Monday and Wednesday. Please make sure you bring your PE kit in a bag on these days.
This term our forest school day will be Thursday. Half the class will be doing it for 6 weeks, then we will swap over.
Please remember appropriate clothing and wellies (it will be cold and wet!)
Please bring your reading books and records everyday so we can listen to you read in school.
This half term in 1M we are reading…
Pirates love underpants by Claire Freedman | The Pirates of Scurvy Sands (Jonny Duddle) | You Choose: A new story every time – what will YOU choose? by Pippa Goodhart | The Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright | Too Much Stuff by Emily Gravett
Have a look at what we will be studying this term.
Y1 Termly Overview
Spelling books (small yellow books) need to be brought to school every Monday.
1M Spellings
Science - Float or sink?
The children have been exploring different materials to see whether they float or sink they placed in water. The children had the opportunity to make predictions about which objects will float or sink.
We have been identifying our local area using aerial photographs.
Exploring the library
Each week we have the opportunity to explore the books in our school library. The children have been ensuring they turn one page at a time and they are encouraged to make predictions.
We have been taking part in weekly cricket lessons with Lancashire Cricket Foundation. We have been improving on our throwing and batting skills.
Rivington Pike walk
We went on a visit to Rivington Pike. We had the opportunity to explore the natural surroundings and look for signs of Autumn.
Forest School
We have been enjoying our weekly Forest School sessions where we have the opportunity to work as a team and problem solve.
To help us to develop an understanding of mark making we have been experimenting creating different lines.
Bolton Library visit
Year 1 had a great time visiting Bolton Library. We listened to and acted out stories, we read books, we looked around the aquarium, did a book treasure hunt and completed a craft activity. It was so much fun!
Forest School - fire lighting
Today we learned how to start a fire safely. Once the first was established we had toasted marshmallows! We then put the fire out safely to ensure the environment is not damaged.
Eid Party
We had a special Eid party which included food, dancing and mehndi.
Litter picking
1M have been in the community litter picking.
liter picking - 1m
Reading afternoon with parents
We invited our family members into school to explore the different books in our library. Thank you to all the parents that attended, it was lovely seeing you all.
We have been using a range of instruments to make music for the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
Enjoying the snow
Today we went outside to enjoy the snow! We discussed where snow comes from and what it feels like to touch.
In Science we are investigating different materials and found objects made of these materials. We tested different objects and materials to see which ones floated and which sank.
Rivington Pike Visit
1M took a visit to Rivington Pike. We had the opportunity to explore the natural surroundings and look for signs of Autumn.
In our theme lessons we have been looking at the continents and labelling them on a world map.
Forest School
We have been making tree cookies using different tools.
School Library
We have been exploring the different books in our school library. It is important we look after our books and handle them with care!