St Matthew’s Vision, Mission and Values


Our Vision: “Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

Our Vision Statement

To serve by valuing, inspiring and nurturing everyone, strengthening and celebrating our diverse school community and holding our Christian Values at the forefront of everything we do.

Click here to visit our Ethos Team page where you can find out more about their work, living out our school vision.

Our School Mission Statement

St Matthew’s Church of England Primary School is a loving family that shares, learns, prays and flourishes together.


Our Christian Values

Everything that we do at St Matthew’s is guided by our four key Christian Values.

We believe that through these values we can enable everyone in our community to flourish.

Love: We practise the kindness, mercy, forgiveness and love of God for everyone in all that we do.

Friendship: We encourage friendship and work co-operatively and collaboratively to make a real, life-long difference for our St Matthew’s family.

Creativity: We recognise life is a gift from God and we explore, celebrate, enjoy and learn together.

Respect: We show respect for ourselves, each other and all those in our diverse community.


Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report

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