Reception 2024 - 2025

Welcome to our Class Page!

This is the Hedgehog Class Page. We will keep it up to date with information and photographs of the children's learning experiences. If you have any questions please speak to a member of the Reception team and we will be more than happy to help you. There will also be useful guidance for helping your child learn with you at home. 

Please check back here regularly to see what we have been getting up to.

Miss J Smith (Class Teacher), Mrs S Asghar (Teaching Assistant), Miss Mather (Teaching Assistant/HLTA), Mrs Patel (Teaching Assistant) and Mrs Goldman (Teacher - Fridays)

Stay & Play - Wednesday 23rd April 9am - 10am

Termly Overviews

Have a look at our termly curriculum overviews. If you would like further information, please speak to a member of the Reception team!

Termly Overviews Reception 2024


P.E. will be taught on Wednesdays. Please bring a full named PE kit to school on Wednesdays.

Trees Clipart Images | Free Download | PNG Transparent ...Forest SchoolTrees Clipart Images | Free Download | PNG Transparent ...

Forest school will take place on a Thursday afternoon, whatever the weather! If your child has received a letter this half term please ensure you send a named bag to school with appropriate clothing for fun in the forest, e.g. warm jogging bottoms, a fleece of warm hooded top, waterproof clothing and wellington boots.

Read Your Way: World Book Day Resources | All About STEMAll About STEMWorld Book DayRead Your Way: World Book Day Resources | All About STEMAll About STEM

We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday 6th March and we loved coming to school dressed in our beautiful fancy dress clothes! The children really enjoyed our book focus for the day 'We're Going On A Bear Hunt'. They enjoyed going on their own hunt around school looking for the different parts of the story which had been hidden around the grounds!

Exploring Our Provision - Spring 2

Have a look through the gallery to see some of the child-led activities that we have been exploring in our provision.

Book Clipart Images - Free Download on FreepikBolton Library and AquariumBook Clipart Images - Free Download on Freepik

We had such a fantastic time visiting Bolton library and aquarium on Monday 10th February. We enjoyed sharing different books with our friends and teachers. We then enjoyed a story together before we went to visit the aquarium. The children were amazed at the size and colours of some of the fish! They all behaved excellently and Miss Smith, Mrs Asghar and Ms Mather were so impressed with them - well done superstars!

Snowman Clipart | Free Download Clip Art | Free Clip Art ...Snow Day!Snowman Clipart | Free Download Clip Art | Free Clip Art ...

On our first day back to school we were so excited to get wrapped up, put on some wellies and go and explore outside on this wintery day! The children all enjoyed working together as a team to build our own little snowman. Some children helped roll the snow together to form a ball, and they worked together to find sticks for the snowman's arms and smile! Super team work Hedgehogs.

3,199 Alligator Clipart Images, Stock Photos, 3D objects, & Vectors |  ShutterstockPathways To Write - Let's All Creep...3,199 Alligator Clipart Images, Stock Photos, 3D objects, & Vectors |  Shutterstock

Let’s All Creep Through Crocodile Creek : Lambert, Jonny:  Books

Our new story for this half term is 'Let's all Creep Through Crocodile Creek'. We received a special letter from the animals in the story with some photographs of the journey they had taken. We talked about journeys we had taken and practised discussing in talk partners. We drew our journeys and used clear sentences to talk about where we went.

Christmas Performance

The Hedgehog class have absolutely loved practising our Christmas songs in preparation for our performance! We enjoyed performing our songs for all our parents and dressing up as different characters from the Nativity.

Garden Centre Trip

The children enjoyed going on our school minibuses to Bolton Garden Centre. We looked at the Christmas lights, decorations, trees and talked about the seasonal changes we could see outside as we looked at the plants and shrubs. 

Exploring our Provision - Autumn 2

We've already been so busy in provision this half term. In addition to our enhanced provision, supporting our work on the Three Little Pigs we have also been busy with other things! We enjoyed creating firework pictures to mark Bonfire Night. We found out about Remembrance Day and created beautiful poppy pictures. We have celebrated Children In Need by dressing in yellow spotty clothes. Have a look through the slideshow to see what we have been doing.

Little Pigs. Printed ...Pathways to Write - The Three Little PigsLittle Pigs. Printed ...

Our Pathways to Write unit in the last half term was 'The Three Little Pigs'. We were so excited to find a crime scene in our outdoor area - we just couldn't believe somebody would leave such a terrible mess! After noticing straw, sticks and bricks we decided it must be something to do with the big bad wolf...

Exploring our Provision - Autumn 1

Play is hugely important in the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) and the children enjoy exploring our carefully planned provision, an engaging environment along with adult-led activities every day. Have a look at the slideshow below to see a small snapshot of some of the things we have been getting up to!


Reading Scheme and Read, Write Inc

Please follow this video link that explains more about the Read, Write Inc. Scheme that we follow in school.

Click the image below to view a video that will help your child practise reading sounds at home. Please keep checking this as it will be updated regularly.

RWI - Read Write Inc. | - William Reynolds


Our Class Photo


PE will take place every Friday. Please send your child into school with their named PE kit in a bag every Friday.

See below for trips, visitors and events that are coming soon!

Forest School happens every Tuesday. If your child is taking part this half term you will have been informed via letter. Please send your child into school with their Forest School clothes and appropriate footwear, such as wellies.

Sports Day - Monday 3rd July

Move Up Day - Thursday 6th July


Reading Packs

Every week your child will bring home a QR Code for their phonics video and sound writing sheets. These are matched to your child's phonics ability and will help build your child's phonic skills and their confidence. Please return the sound writing sheet by the following Thursday.

Reading - What are we reading this term?

Every term we will focus on a different traditional tale. This term we are learning the story of 'Cinderella!'

So far, we have focused on 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears', 'The Three Little Pigs' 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. We spent time learning how to retell the story using actions and puppets to help us! 


Curriculum Overview - What are we learning this term? 

Please see below for our Termly Overview. This gives you a brief look at the areas of learning that will be taking place in Reception.

Reception Documents

Smithills Farm Trip

We had the most fantastic day for our trip to Smithills farm. The children behaved beautifully and were so interested in all aspects of the farm. We were so busy all day - we began with a donkey ride, then we went to 'Pet Corner' to see some of the smaller animals up close. It was so much fun when the baby emu's were let out - they ran so fast towards us! We held chicks, rabbits and guinea pigs and the majority of children took this in their stride. After, we went on a tractor ride which was very bumpy. We fed the donkeys some bread before taking a ride back down to the farm. We fed sheep and llamas, had fun on the playground and went to see the cows being milked. Wow! What a busy day we had.

Little Lancashire Village

We had the most exciting time on our most recent trip to the Little Lancashire Village in Darwen. We were ready to use our imaginations and there was so much to discover! There were different shops, cafes, a spa, a dentist, a launderette, airport and even a safari hut! We visited the role play centre for an entire morning and we were clearly worn out as lot's of us fell asleep on the minibus back to school, where we arrived back in time for lunch!

The Little Red Hen

Continuing our 'Tell us a Story!' theme has brought us to a wonderful traditional tale - The Little Red Hen! We couldn't believe it when we found out all the animals had been so unkind to the poor Little Red Hen. We are always kind and help our friends. We discussed whether we agreed that the hen did the right thing not sharing her bread after all her work. We learnt lots of new vocabulary and, the best part of all, was making our own bread using wheat flour, just like the hen! Miss Smith and Mrs Asghar were very impressed with how the bread rolls turned out!

Commando Joe - Spring 2

We have been really engaged in Commando Joe as we used our communication and teamwork skills to travel on the plank. We had to order ourselves from shortest to tallest which was very challenging but we managed it with a little help from the adults. Then our favourite part was passing the coloured balls along the line to put it into the correct tub. We had to use our teamwork skills to pass it down as quickly as possible so that we could be the winning team! The children started to speed up as they realised it was a race and they used their speaking skills to communicate with each other.

Planting our beanstalks!

We have been really enjoying learning the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We have been retelling the story as part of our 'Tell us a story!' theme and this week we planted our own beans. First, we looked at different types of beans and worked out if we recognised any of them. Then we worked in groups to plant our own beans. We were very excited for them to start growing straight away but we remembered we had to be patient. We are continuing to look after our plants, keeping them on the windowsill and making sure the soil stays damp.

Gingerbread Baking!

Hedgehog class have had a brilliant time today continuing their learning about 'The Gingerbread Man' story as part of our 'Tell us a story!' theme. When we arrived to school there had been a delivery...a rolling pin, mixing bowl, scale and a big bag full of ingredients! We decided the only person it could have come from was the Gingerbread Man himself! We used our listening skills to follow the recipe and did an amazing job of sharing, turn taking and being careful with the equipment and ingredients. We quickly took the biscuits out of the oven because we were worried they might run away. We enjoyed decorating them, using our fine motor skills to carefully place on buttons, eyes and a smile with the icing. Afterwards the best bit was of course eating them!

Jack and the Beanstalk Show and World Book Day

For World Book Day, we dressed up in fancy dress representing different characters from books. We then went on a trip with Year 1 to watch a performance of Jack & The Beanstalk. We had been working hard in school, practising the songs so that we could sing them together during the performance. There were lots of other schools watching the performance and our behaviour was excellent - well done Hedgehog class! Our favourite song was the giant's song "Fee, Fi, Fo Fum!" 

Fun in the Forest!

Hedgehog class love their fun in the forest and they get to explore and learn in very different ways! Have a look through the gallery to see what they have been getting up to.

Wiggle Worship

This week in Wiggle Worship we have enjoyed learning about all the lovely things we can think about if we are ever feeling sad, lonely and angry. We learnt that some people believe that if we think of nice, lovely and happy things during sad or angry times that it can bring us closer to God! We thought about the lovely things in our life like rainbows, our families, bubbles and racing cars! 

Aqua Explorers Visit

We were very excited to have a visitor to school today - Aqua Explorers! Two ocean rangers visited us and taught us about the different types of creature we might see in the ocean. We learnt that there are many more than sharks and fish! We also talked about the dangers that many of these creatures are facing, due to pollution and litter. The children had an opportunity to experience some of these ocean creatures up close in a rockpool! We observed hermit crabs, shore crabs, anemone, sea urchins and different species of star fish! The children were very brave and touched many of the creatures with confidence. 

Visit to Bolton Library - February 2023

Hedgehog Class loved visiting Bolton library, travelling altogether on the minibus! We enjoyed choosing different types of fiction and non-fiction books with our friends and teachers. We chose a comfy spot in the library and enjoyed some relaxing, quiet time. The children then chose a story to read altogether before we got the minibus back to school. 

Animal Crackers - Spring 1

Our new theme is a Science based theme, where we will be finding out all about animals. We will learn about big and small animals, unusual animals, on the farm, and baby animals! This week we have found out about large animals. We have been painting them in the creative area, labelling them in the writing area and singing animal songs.

Stay and Play - Spring 1

We've had a lovely morning showing our parents around our classroom and exploring our learning and activities together! It was wonderful to see so many parents attend our 'Stay and Play' session. We explored the continuous provision and completed animal related activities, such as matching mother with their young, labelling animals and creating our own animal prints with pastels! We hope you enjoyed it as much as the children. 

Come Fly With Me to Asia - Spring 1 and Autumn 2

We continue our theme 'Come Fly With Me to Asia' as we move into Spring 1. Through this theme so far, we have been developing our understanding of other cultures and countries and increasing our early geographical knowledge. We have been talking about the differences that we have noticed between them and our cultures and countries. We are beginning to recognise some similarities and differences between life in the UK and life in other countries. So far we have found out about Chinese and Indian culture. We have learnt about the culture in Pakistan and found out about the landscape of the country. We enjoyed tasting foods that many people in Pakistan may eat, such as roti, mango lassi and vegetable samosa! It has been very interesting to talk about our own traditions and cultures at home.

Wiggle Worship

We have started taking part in Wiggle Worship every fortnight and we loved our first session! The sessions are delivered by Steph from the Children Changing Places Project at Manchester Diocese. We met Wiggle the Worm, listened to a story, sang songs and joined together in prayer. Check back soon to find out what else we have been reflecting upon in our next Wiggle Worship session!

Commando Joe - Spring 1

Hedgehog class have been taking part in Commando Joe sessions with Lewis on a Tuesday morning and they have been so engaged and involved! We have listened carefully and tried hard to follow instructions. We needed to try to use our developing skills of perseverance, resilience and team work in order to complete the challenges. We can't wait for our next session!

Christmas Party 2022

We had a wonderful time at our Christmas Party on Monday 19th December and it was so lovely to spend this time together celebrating! It started very excitingly with a visit from Father Christmas! We played party games such as musical bumps, musical statues and pass the parcel. Lots of us hadn't played these games before so we learnt the rules and tried hard to be resilient if we did not win! We had fun in the hall singing and dancing together with nursery. We then came back to our classrooms and had some delicious party food. The children were so kind to each other and shared their food and treats with one another. 

Parents Stay and Read

We had a lovely treat on Thursday 15th December when our parents were invited to read with us in our beautiful library. It was so lovely to share stories with them alongside our friends from Hedgehog class. The children loved showing our parents how to look after the books carefully and we always enjoy spending time in this lovely space. We can't wait to have more events in the New Year. 

A Little Bird Told Me Nativity

On Tuesday 13th December, Reception class performed their wonderful nativity 'A Little Bird Told Me'. They had all worked incredibly hard learning the songs and actions as well as their lines for the performance. Miss Smith and Mrs Asghar were absolutely amazed by how confident everyone was and how far we have come this term! The children loved it, and were even singing the songs again after the performance. We enjoyed a lovely treat of hot chocolate the next day, as a big 'well done' for our amazing and confident nativity.

Christmas at Bolton Garden Centre

On Monday 5th December Hedgehogs class went to visit Bolton Garden Centre to support our learning in RE and as part of our 'Come and Join the Celebration' theme. The children were so amazed with all the beautiful scenes and decorations that we saw at the garden centre. We saw a wonderful nativity scene and we were able to name all the different characters and recognised them from our Christmas performance! It was lovely to see the lights, look at all the trees and see what different things we could spot.

Come and Join the Celebration - Autumn 2

We began this half term with our new theme 'Come and Join the Celebration'. We have been learning about different celebrations that we may have taken part in with our families, such as birthday parties and weddings. We learnt about how people in different cultures celebrate these traditions. We enjoyed looking at Mrs Musa's wedding photographs and discussing the traditions. We talked about what a birthday celebrates and discussed how we change over time, each year, as we grow older! We also found out about some other celebrations, including Bonfire Night and Diwali. We have been enjoying playing together in the home corner, acting out birthday parties and even making our own model 'cakes' in the creative area! We have been painting firework pictures and making firework patterns in our tuff tray.

Help is at Hand! - Autumn 1

This term our theme is 'Help is at Hand'. The children will find out about the jobs that need to be done at home, and how they can help. We will discuss who works at our school and how these people help us. We will identify ways in which the police, ambulance and fire service help within the community and we will have an opportunity to meet people who work in these job roles. We will learn about how doctors and nurses help us and will find out about the ways we can stay healthy and safe. We will identify wider job roles in the community and how these people contribute to our society (e.g. builders, electricians etc). We will learn about how we can be helpful citizens too!


Autumn Walk 

Hedgehog class have been looking at the seasonal changes around us. Tina the puppet went on her own autumn walk and spotted lots of signs of seasonal change. The children then enjoyed going on their own autumn walk using clipboards and checklists to help us identify the signs. We learnt lots of new vocabulary such as acorn, squirrel, conker and pinecone. The children were so engaged with the autumn walk that they have continued to collect autumn leaves on the playground and on their journeys to school! We made leaf rubbings with the autumn leaves we found and enjoyed exploring an autumn sensory tray.

Firefighter Visit 

The children had such a wonderful treat when the firefighters came to visit! We learnt all about the role of a firefighter and what they do every day. We had a look at their special uniform and how this keeps them safe. Next, we got to do something very exciting...see the fire engine! We learnt about the different parts of a fire engine and what it is for and then we had a turn of spraying the hose!

 Therapy Farm Visit 

We had a fantastic afternoon visiting Lever Park Therapy Farm. The children had lots of new experiences such as stroking some farm animals, feeding them by hand and getting up close to them! We got to meet sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, ferrets, rabbits and guinea pigs. We handled some smaller exotic animals too including a snake, lizard, a sugar glider and lots more! The children were really excited to meet the hedgehogs and we saw them enjoying some tasty worms. The children have learnt lots of new vocabulary and there were lots of smiles and laughs!


Dental Nurse Visit

We had a lovely afternoon learning all about oral hygiene and how to look after our teeth. We talked about all the things we use our teeth and mouth for, and the things we can do to protect our teeth, such as brushing them twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, drinking milk and water and eating healthy foods. We acted out a role play where we had a patient, receptionist, dental nurse and a dentist! Then the children got to use their toothbrushes for the first time. We brushed our teeth for 2 minutes: the children were really good brushing their teeth and Miss Smith and Mrs Asghar could see that we all brush our teeth at home! We then met some special characters who talked to us about how they looked after themselves and their teeth. 

   Police Visit   

The children were so excited to meet a police officer and find out all about how this very important part of the community helps us. They listened carefully and the children tried hard to ask questions about how police officers keep us safe. We loved wearing the police officer uniforms and we learnt lots of new vocabulary, like handcuffs, baton and radio!

​​​​​Litter Picking

As part of our 'Help is at Hand' theme we have been learning about the contributions we can make to help our community and school. The children met Mr Bailey our caretaker and found out that one of his important job roles is to keep the school grounds clean and tidy! We decided that this is something we could help with. The children sang a 'litter picking' song and used the litter pickers to help tidy up our school. The children decided that they would always put litter in the bin.

Road Safety

A visitor came to see the Hedgehogs to teach us all about road safety. We found out all about lollipop people and how they work hard to keep us safe on the roads! The children listened really attentively to our visitor and were thoughtful about the ways we can keep ourselves safe. We had lots of fun playing with the lollipop person outfit and we practised our road safety rules 'Stop, Look, Listen!' 


PE will take place every Thursday. Please send your child into school with their named PE kit in a bag every Thursday. This term our unit of work is 'Ballskills'. 

Our First Week in Reception - September 2022

The Hedgehog class have had a wonderful start to their life in Reception at St Matthew's! We were so brave when leaving our families and we were all excited to visit our new classroom. The children had fun exploring and learning in all areas of the provision. Miss Smith is so proud of how we came into school and how quickly we are settling into life in Reception.

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