Allocation of places will be in accordance with the criteria laid down by the Local Authority, as follows:

Priority 1

Children in public care (Looked After Children).

Priority 2

Other children who are considered as ‘vulnerable’ whose application for the preferred school is supported by the Assistant Director for Social Care. This will include:

  1. Children for whom there is a child protection plan or has been within a 12 month period
  2. Children who have had a period in care within 2 years of the admission application and are still receiving social care services
  3. Children who are considered to be a significant risk of becoming looked after
  4. Children who are living in temporary accommodation due to fleeing violence and the area for rehousing has been identified

Priority 3

Children who will have older siblings in years Reception to Year 6 of the preferred school at the date of admission. Older children from the same family unit attending a particular school, can be considered to ‘qualify’ a younger child under sibling link criteria, provided proof is available to demonstrate that the children are permanently resident at the same address and part of the same family unit.

Priority 4

Children who have strong church connection where the school is a Church School.

Priority 5

Children who suffer from a specific medical condition or disability, which makes it better for them to attend that school rather than another.

Priority 6

Children for whom the journey to the nearest alternative school would be unreasonable or difficult. Those children with the easier or shorter journey to an alternative school have a lower priority for the preferred school. Measurements will commence with those living closest to the preferred school and then move outwards in a ripple effect using the shortest available walking route.

Citizen Portal

Applications for moving during the school year can only be made online using the Citizen Portal.  Once the application has been processed and a decision reached (10 – 15 school days), you will receive an email informing you that your child’s school place details are available in the Citizen Portal.  To view the offer information, you will need to log into the Citizen Portal.  This will advise you of the school place offered to your child and what you need to do next.  Please click on the link below to get onto the Citizen Portal.

Citizen Portal

Please click on the link below to make an online application for a school place through Bolton council admissions website.

Bolton Council Admissions


You have the statutory right to submit an appeal for a place at your preferred school when your application has been unsuccessful.

  • The deadline for reception class appeals for the September 2025 intake is Thursday 15 May 2025
  • Appeals for in year admissions can be made at any time.

Please click on the link below to make an online Appeal application.


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