Welcome to 3J Class Page 2024/5
Teachers in our class are Mrs Johnson and Mr Manning.
Mrs Harrison teaches us French on a Monday morning.
Mrs Lewin works with us on a Thursday afternoon.
Mr Simpson teaches us drumming on a Thursday afternoon.
The week beginning the 10th March we will be going for a walk in the local area to look at human and physical features and land use.
PE days are Mondays and Thursdays.
Please bring your PE kit in on Mondays and Thursdays only.
Please bring your reading book to school every day so we can read with you.
Please read a few pages at home every day and ask an adult to sign your reading record.
You will get dojos when your adult signs your reading record.
In Spring 2 in English we are reading The Silence Seeker by Ben Morley and Blue by Britta Teckentrup.
In Spring 2 our Science units are called Soil and Light.
In Spring 2 our Maths units are called Mass and Capacity and Fractions.
In Spring 2 our Geography unit is called Are all settlements the same?
In Spring 2 our Design Technology unit is called Textiles: Cross-stich applique Egyptian collars.
In Spring 2 our Computing unit is called IData.
In Spring 2 our PE units are called Send and Receive and Athletics.
In Spring 2 our French unit is called Games and Songs with a specialist French teacher, Madame Harrison.
In Spring 2 our RE unit is called Exploring the sadness and joy of Easter.
In Spring 2 our PSHE unit is called Safety and the changing body.
In Music we develop our music skills by doing drumming with a specialist drumming teacher, Mr Simpson.
Here are our spellings for Spring 2 half term.
There are two groups for spellings and you should know which group you are in.
Spellings are tested each Monday on the dates shown on the sheet:
Year 3 Spring 2 Spellings 2025
We will be sending home 2 homework books on a Friday
and homework needs to be handed in as soon as it is done.
There will be an English activity in the purple book and a fun maths activity in the family maths book.
You will get dojos for completing your homework.
Thanks to the parents who came to the Meet The Teacher meeting on 12.9.24.
It was lovely to see you.
Here is the powerpoint that was shared:
If you have any further questions please come and speak to us at 3pm.
Year 3 Meet the Teacher Autumn 2024
We have put together some useful websites that will help support your learning.
Click on the picture and it will take you directly to the website.
In Autumn 1 in English we read The Sea Book by Charlotte Milner and Seal Surfer by Michael Foreman.
In Autumn 1 our Science units were called Skeletons and Movement.
In Autumn 1 our Maths units were called Place Value and Addition and Subtraction.
In Autumn 1 our History unit were called Would you prefer to live in the Stone Age Bronze Age or Iron Age?
In Autumn 1 our Art unit was called Drawing: Growing Artists.
In Autumn 1 our Design and Technology unit was called Mechanical Systems: Pneumatic Toys.
In Autumn 1 our Computing unit was called IProgram 1.
In Autumn 1 our PE units were called ABC and Gymnastics.
In Autumn 1 our French unit was called All About Me with a specialist French teacher, Madame Harrison.
In Autumn 1 our RE units were called Harvest and Creation.
In Autumn 1 our PSHE unit was called Families and Relationships.
In Music we developed our music skills by doing drumming with a specialist drumming teacher, Mr Simpson.
In Autumn 1 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day were:
King of the Swamp by Catherine Emmett
How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth by Michelle Robinson
Stone Age Bone Age by Mick Manning
The First Drawing by Mordicai Gerstein
The Wild by Yuval Zommer
In Autumn 1 our class novels and books we read in story time were:
Ruby's Worry by Tom Percival
The Twits by Roald Dahl
The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl
Robodog by David Walliams
These were our spellings in Autumn 1:
Year 3 Autumn 1 Spellings 2024
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
We wrote letters in English:
3j letters display 2024
We went to church to celebrate Harvest together:
We did some art and made a class street art image:
3j street art 2024
We wrote all about ourselves and stuck them together like a jigsaw to show we all fit together:
3j all about me 2024
In English we did some roleplay as Grandad and the boy from The Seal Surfer:
In Art we tried to be like a real artist and look for shapes to help us sketch a picture:
In Art we took some texture rubbings and did some frottage:
In Art we looked at abstract art about flowers then did our own abstract art based on flowers using viewfinders:
In History we used a toilet roll as a timeline to demonstrate that the Stone Ages were a long long time ago:
In History we played a trading game to learn about trading in the Iron Age:
In RE we made a sukkah as we were learning about the Jewish festival Sukkot:
3j sukkah 2024
In RE we are learning about Creation and we wrote about what is wonderful about our world:
3j re creation display 2024
In Design Technology we explored how pneumatic systems worked:
In Design Technology we made pneumatic toys for some younger children.
The lid opens when we blow into the tube and inflate the balloon:
In computing we have been looking at coding:
Half the class have done Forest School this half term:
In Music we are playing the bamboo tamboos with Mr Simpson:
In PE we practised passing and receiving with control:
In PE we practised rolls:
In PE we practised balancing:
In PE we practised holding shapes:
In PE we did sequences using travelling and making shapes:
In PE we practised our moving and shape work on the equipment:
In PE we practised dodging:
In PE we practised attacking and defending:
In PE we practised sprinting and travelling in different ways:
In PE we travelled in different circuits:
In PE we practised following instructions:
In Autumn 2 in English we are reading Winter's Child by Angela McAllister and Ice Palace By Robert Swindells.
In Autumn 2 our Science units are called Nutrition and Diet, Food Waste and Rocks.
In Autumn 2 our Maths units are called Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division.
In Autumn 2 our Geography unit is called Who lives in Antarctica?
In Autumn 2 our Design and Technology units are called Electrical Systems: Electrical Poster and Digital World: Electrical Charm.
In Autumn 2 our Computing unit is called IStimulate.
In Autumn 2 our PE units are called Fundamental Movements and Gymnastics.
In Autumn 2 our French unit is called All About Me with a specialist French teacher, Madame Harrison.
In Autumn 2 our RE units are called Creation and Christmas: God With Us.
In Autumn 2 our PSHE unit is called Families and Relationships.
In Music we develop our music skills by doing drumming with a specialist drumming teacher, Mr Simpson.
In Autumn 2 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
Last Tree in the City by Peter Carnavas
The Green Ship by Quentin Blake
You're Called What? by Kes Gray
Hortense and the Shadow by Lauren and Natalie O'Hara
Never Tickle a Tiger by Pamela Butchart
In Autumn 2 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
Robodog by David Walliams
These were our spellings for Autumn 2 half term.
Year 3 Autumn 2 Spellings 2024
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
We celebrated Christmas by holding a Christmas party:
We made Christmas cards for our friends and family:
We went to Church to celebrate Advent:
On Stone Age Day:
We dressed up:
We met a woolly rhino:
We threw spears:
We looked at Stone Age artefacts:
Thank you for attending our class assembly on friendship. We worked hard learning our parts:
We wore yellow/ spotty or Pudsey clothes for Children in Need Day and we made our own spotty ties:
children in need 2024
We did some creative homework at home based on our last topics:
We are working on skills with Commando Joe:
We did a fitness circuit in week 1:
We packed our rucksack in week 2:
We played a memory game in week 3:
We crossed the river in week 4 with our teams:
We collected equipment in week 5:
We made towers in week 6:
In English we thought about which activities Tom could do in the snow in the book Winter's Child.
We acted them out. Then we did a roleplay as Mum and Tom describing the activities:
In English we did a conscience alley trying to see if Winter's Child would go home or not:
In DT we made electric posters light up with a bulb:
3j dt electric poster display 2024
In RE we did some meditation as shepherds in the Christmas story:
In Music we are doing rhythms on the Samba drums and bamboo tamboos:
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 5:
Week 6 and 7:
In PE we are developing our dance skills:
We moved around like animals in the jungle:
We moved around like explorers in the jungle:
We did some Just Dance dances:
In Spring 1 in English we are reading Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamaura and The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.
In Spring 1 our Science units are called Food Waste, Rocks and Fossils.
In Spring 1 our Maths units are called Length and Perimeter and Fractions.
In Spring 1 our History unit is called What did the Ancient Egyptians believe?
In Spring 1 our Art unit is called Painting and Mixed Media: Prehistoric Painting.
In Spring 1 our Computing unit is called INetwork.
In Spring 1 our PE units are called Send and Receive and Attack and Defend.
In Spring 1 our French unit are called Families and Games and Songs with a specialist French teacher, Madame Harrison.
In Spring 1our RE unit is called Called by God.
In Spring 1 our PSHE unit is called Health and Wellbeing.
In Music we develop our music skills by doing drumming with a specialist drumming teacher, Mr Simpson.
In Spring 1 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
The Proudest Blue by Ibtihaj Muhammad
Small in the City by Sydney Smith
Elephant Island by Leo Timmer
In Every House on Every Street by Jess Hitchman
Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett
In Spring 1 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo
These are spellings for Spring 1 half term:
Year 3 Spring 1 Spellings 2025
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
In art we are looking at pre-historic art and we did some charcoal drawings of British animals:
In art we made our own natural stone age palette:
In art we did some cave paintings:
3j cave paintings display 2025
In art we did some cave painting hands:
In history we are looking at Ancient Egypt and we made our own timelines to see when it took place:
In history we mummified a tomato:
In Science we are looking at rocks and we explored them using a magnifying glass:
In Science we tested rocks. We looked for rocks that floated. We scratched rocks to test their hardness. We put vinegar on to see if there was a reaction:
In English we are reading Stone Age Boy and acting out some actions they did:
In English we went on a Stone Age hunt:
In English we wrote a poem based on the poem If I were King by A.A. Milne:
3j if i were king 2025
In computing we went on a network hunt around school:
In computing we acted out the parts of a network and sent messages through the network:
In computing we acted out the role of a router planning routes on the London underground:
In computing we looked up websites IP addresses:
In RE we looked at prophets who were called by God to do something:
3j bush display 2025
In PSHE we are looking at health and wellbeing. We did some yoga to relax:
In PSHE we celebrated that we are all different and wrote kennings to describe ourselves:
In PSHE we looked at what our super powers were and how we could use them to help others:
In PE we are practising our sending and receiving ball skills:
In PE we are practising our attacking and defending skills:
In PE we practised our hockey skills:
In Music we are still practising our drumming skills on the samba drums:
In Spring 2 in English we are reading The Silence Seeker by Ben Morley and Blue by Britta Teckentrup.
In Spring 2 our Science units are called Soil and Light.
In Spring 2 our Maths units are called Mass and Capacity and Fractions.
In Spring 2 our Geography unit is called Are all settlements the same?
In Spring 2 our Design Technology unit is called Textiles: Cross-stich applique Egyptian collars.
In Spring 2 our Computing unit is called IData.
In Spring 2 our PE units are called Send and Receive and Athletics.
In Spring 2 our French unit is called Games and Songs with a specialist French teacher, Madame Harrison.
In Spring 2 our RE unit is called Exploring the sadness and joy of Easter.
In Spring 2 our PSHE unit is called Safety and the changing body.
In Music we develop our music skills by doing drumming with a specialist drumming teacher, Mr Simpson.
In Spring 2 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
Mrs Noah's Pockets by Jackie Morris
Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen
If I Were Prime Minister by Trygve Skaug
It's Your World Now by Barry Falls
Change Sings by Amanda Gorman
In Spring 2 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
The Creakers by Tom Fletcher
These are spellings for Spring 2 half term:
Year 3 Spring 2 Spellings 2025
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
We did some creative homework at home based on our topics in Spring 1:
On World Book Day we dressed up as different book characters and Eshaal our Demon Dentist won:
On World Book Day we read the book Journey and described the forest then we designed our own scene that our door led to:
On World Book Day we went to the library and read books and read books with a buddy from year 5:
On Freaky Friday we dressed up in weird ways:
In Science we explored 4 different types of soil:
In Science we did an experiment to see which soil was the most absorbent:
In Computing we made a record for a paper based database:
In computing we compared a paper set of records and a digital database:
In computing we researched holiday websites to collect information to put on a database:
In computing we added data to our databases:
In RE we made palm leaves and acted out Palm Sunday to welcome Jesus to Jerusalem:
Here is the display of the palm leaves:
3j spring 2 palm leaves display 2025
In RE we looked at the sadness and joy of Easter and wrote questions about some of the scenes:
In geography we sorted places into cities, towns and villages:
In geography we went on a local area walk looking at land use:
In geography we compared Halliwell now to Halliwell in the past to see how it has changed:
In geography we looked on GoogleEarth to explore land use in New Delhi:
In PSHE we practised making 999 calls:
In PSHE we discussed what to do if someone gets a bite or a sting:
In PSHE we discussed cyberbullying:
In DT we practised our sewing skills:
In Music we developed our drumming skills:
In PE we practised sprinting:
In PE we practised our throwing and catching skills:
In PE we made up our own throwing and catching games:
In PE we played attacking and defending games:
In PE we practising throwing hoops to improve our aim:
In PE we practised moving speedily:
Here are some apps our children have logins for at home. These apps will help support their learning in school. The times tables are particularly helpful to help improve speed at their times tables, ready for the Year 4 test in June.
https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0 | https://ttrockstars.com/ | https://readingeggs.co.uk/
Summer 2
In Summer 2 we will cover the theme “Under the Canopy”.
This unit is based on the rainforest
with a key focus on geography and history.
Pupils are comissioned to work for a fictitious organisation called ‘Roots’
in helping two adopted children, find out about their Mexican / Mayan heritage.
Through this project, they will learn about the importance of the rainforest.
‘Under the Canopy’ is a competency-based thematic unit with a geography focus.
In Summer 2 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
There’s A Rangtan In My Bedroom by James Sellik
King of the Swamp by Catherine Emmett
The Lumberjack’s Beard by Duncan Beedie
Bloom by Anne Booth
Where The Forest Meets The Sea by Jeannie Baker
In Summer 2 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry
The Witches by Roald Dahl
Amazing Events we have done in Summer 2:
On Tuesday 16th July we performed a drumming assembly to our parents.
Thanks to all the parents that came to support us.:
On Tuesday 9th July we had a talk from Bolton Dental team about how to keep our teeth healthy:
On Tuesday 9th July we went to the Year 6 fun day. We had great fun.:
On Monday 8th July we went to Chester Zoo to look at the
animals found in the rainforest and take part in a rainforest workshop. We had a fabulous time!:
On Tuesday 25th June it was LKS2 Sports Day.
We had a fabulous time competing in teams in the running, sack and obstacle race.
We then watched some of the parents race too.
It was a great afternoon:
We had an ice lolly as a treat for doing so well on sports day:
On Wednesday 12th June we went to the Bridgewater Hall to sing and
play with the Halle orchestra. We had a fabulous time:
On Friday 14th June we made father's day cards for our Dads:
Our learning:
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
Our theme unit in Summer 2 is called 'Under The Canopy'
This unit is based on the rainforest
with a key focus on geography and history.
Pupils are commissioned to work for a fictitious organisation called ‘Roots’
in helping two adopted children, find out about their Mexican / Mayan heritage.
Through this project, they will learn about the importance of the rainforest.
To check our learning at the end of the unit we did some Kahoot quizzes:
In history we found out that the Mayans used body paint and we designed our own faces:
In geography we found out about how bad it is to use products with palm oil in and we made posters:
In science we investigated what a plant needs to grow.
We found out that a plant needs: water, nutrients in the soil, air, light and room to grow.:
In science we are learning about plants so we dissected tulips
and looked at them under a microscope to identify the parts:
In science we acted out the life cycle of a flowering plant and all the ways seeds are dispersed:
In geography we planned and carried out an expedition using compass points around the school grounds:
In RE we have been learning about the Creation story and God's relationship with people.
We thought about what was wonderful in our world:
Re display creation 3j 2024
In computing we are making our own powerpoints about rainforest animals:
We shared our powerpoints with the other year 3 class:
In art we did an observational drawing of 2 macaws.:
In music we had our last practice before we play with the Halle orchestra:
In PE we did a dodgeball tournament with the other year 3 class.:
In PE we played dodgeball:
In PE we went on the field and practised the sprinting and sack race:
In PE we have been practised our skills ready for sports day
like the egg and spoon race, running and obstacle race:
For our last PE lesson we did a fitness session moving to music:
Summer 1
In Summer 1 our theme is called “Lightning Speed”.
‘Lightning Speed’ is a competency-based thematic unit with a computing focus.
In Summer 1 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
The Sea Saw by Tom Percival
Gorilla by Anthony Browne.
The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers
Scissorella by Clare Helen Welsh and Laura Barrett
The Zebra’s Great Escape by Katherine Rundell
In Summer 1 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
The Creakers by Tom Fletcher
The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl
Amazing Events we have done in Summer 1:
On Friday 10th May our parents came to the hall to do some family maths with us.
Lots of parents came and everyone had fun.
Thanks for coming parents.:
On Friday 3rd May, we finally got to visit a Jewish synagogue and Jewish museum linked
to our World of Difference topic and it was amazing. The children remembered so much
and enjoyed making Challah bread the most. Here are some photos:
On Monday 20th April we had an Eid party to celebrate Eid:
Our learning:
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
Theme: Our theme unit in Summer 1 is called
“Lightning Speed”.
It is a unit focusing on computing.
Here is our creative homework that we did at home based on our unit Lightning Speed:
In Theme we went on a network hunt to find all the devices in school
connected to the network and we found the server:
In Theme we made a human LAN to demonstrate how our network works:
In Theme we did an e-safety quiz to understand how we stay safe online:
In Theme we found out how e-mails work and
sent e-mails to 3B and received e-mails from 3B:
In Theme we added a photo and text to the website:
In Theme we found out about the difference between the internet, browsers and the WWW:
In English we wrote a newspaper report about the parents going missing in the Creakers:
3j newspaper reports may 2024
In Science we are learning about electricity.
We made our own switches and turned a bulb off and on:
In Science we looked at materials that made good conductors and insulators:
In Science we checked if all metals were conductors of electricity:
Try to make a circuit on this interactive game online and investigate what happens when you add more bulbs or batteries:
Circuit Construction Kit: DC - GameUp - BrainPOP.
In Geography we went on a rock hunt around school:
In Computing we discussed if we should believe everything we read online:
In Computing we did some BBC Bitesize quizzes to check our understanding
of the computer terms we have learned:
Here are some of the links to the BBC websites that we used in class that you can go on at home:
Is information on the web always reliable? - BBC Bitesize
What is a computer network? - BBC Bitesize
What is digital publishing? - BBC Bitesize
In Computing we practised our typing skills:
In Music we are practising our singing and drumming ready
to play with the Halle orchestra in June:
In art we learned about the printing press and did some printing of our own:
3j printing display 2024
year 3 printing display 2024
In RE we are finding out about how Jesus changed lives.
We thought about how Zacchaeus changed after he met Jesus:
3J Zacchaeus 2024
In PE we practised our relay skills:
In PE we are practising our sprinting skills:
In PE we practised our long jump:
In PE we practised our javelin skills:
In PE we practised our relay skills:
In PE we are developing our tactics strategies when playing a game:
In PE we used tactics when playing a game of dodgeball:
For our last PE lesson with Mr Ainscow, we played parachute
games and went on the equipment:
Spring 2
Here is our Spring Term curriculum letter so you can see what we were learning about this term:
Year 3 Spring Term Curriculum Letter 2024
Here was our spellings for Spring 2 half term.
There are two groups for spellings and your child should know which group they are in.
Spellings are tested each Friday on the dates shown on the sheet:
Year 3 Spellings Spring 2 2024
Thank you to the parents that came to the meet the teacher afternoon on 15th January.
For those parents that couldn't make it, here is the powerpoint that we shared:
Year 3 Meet the Teacher Powerpoint Spring 2024
In Spring 1 our theme is called “Lindow Man”.
‘Lindow Man’ is a competency-based thematic unit with a history focus,
telling the story of prehistoric Britain, from the Stone Age to the Celts.
Pupils will learn all about their achievements and ongoing legacy.
In Spring 2 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
In Spring 2 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura
The BFG by Roald Dahl
Amazing Events we have done in Spring 2:
We made Easter cards on the last day of term to send home to our family:
On Monday 25th March it was Stone Age Day:
We dressed up as Stone Age people:
We found out about the Stone Age time:
We hunted animals with spears:
We explored Stone Age artefacts:
On Thursday 21st March we wore our favourite socks/ odd socks to
raise money for World Downs Syndrome Day:
On Thursday 21st March we helped our community by going litter picking:
On Friday 15th March it was Comic Relief Day.
We dressed in funky clothes that didn't match to raise money for Comic Relief:
On Thursday 7th March it was World Book Day:
We dressed as our favourite book characters:
We shared books with our friends from year 2:
We read the Little Leader, Big Dreams book about Ada Lovelace, the first computer programme.
We wrote our own books about ourselves thinking about our big dreams:
We decorated our own potatoes at home as book characters:
Our learning:
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
Theme: Our theme unit in Spring 2 is called
“Lindow Man”.
It is a history unit focusing on the Stone Age, Bonze Age and Iron Age.
We tipped our tables and pretended we were cave men and did our own cave paintings:
3j cave painting display 2024
In English we are reading The Stone Age Boy.
We acted out Om meeting the boy for the first time.
They did not speak the same language so we had to find other ways to communicate:
In science we are continuing our light topic and did an investigation to see how
the shadow size changed as we moved the object further away from the light source:
In Science we started our new topic electricity and made a bulb light up:
In computing we are continuing to use CS First to develop our coding skills:
In music we are practising our songs and pieces of music that we will be performing
with the Halle Orchestra at the Bridgewater Hall on 12th June:
In PE we are developing our sending and receiving skills:
Football sending and receiving skills:
Throwing and catching:
In PE with Mr Ainscow we are developing our fundamental skills:
Spring 1
Here is our Spring Term curriculum letter so you can see what we were learning about this term:
Year 3 Spring Term Curriculum Letter 2024
Thank you to the parents that came to the meet the teacher afternoon on 15th January.
For those parents that couldn't make it, here is the powerpoint that we shared:
Year 3 Meet the Teacher Powerpoint Spring 2024
Here are our Spellings from Spring 1:
Year 3 Spring 1 Spellings 2024
In Spring 1 our theme is called “World of Difference”.
This is a unit with a focus on religious festivals.
We will be looking at Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism,
Christianity and Islam. We will explore their origins,
places of worship, how they worship, holy books,
festivals and core beliefs.
In Spring 1 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
In Spring 1 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
The BFG by Roald Dahl
Amazing Events we have done in Spring 1:
On Friday 16th February we had a reading with parents event in the library.
Thank you to all the parents that attended it was a lovely event:
On Friday 2nd February we went to the Buddhist Meditation Centre in Manchester.
We learned lots about Buddhism and took part in a guided meditation:
On Friday 2nd February it was Number Day. We dressed
as a digit to raise money for the NSPCC:
On Monday 29th January we went to Shree Krishna Temple
in Bolton to see what a real Hindu temple looked like. It was beautiful:
Our learning:
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
Theme: Our theme unit in Spring 1 is called
“World of Difference”.
It is a unit focusing on different religions.
We did creative challenges at home about the topic ' A World of Difference':
3j WOD creative challenge feb 2024
We learned that elephants are sacred to Hindus and we did a piece of art by
putting a black and white decorative elephant on a painted sunset background:
We acted out the Hindu story of Rama and Sita:
We learned how to do the Jewish celebration Horah dance:
We sang the Hannukah song, Ner Li:
In English we followed some instructions on
how to make a chocolate rice krispie cake:
In English we wrote our own instructions on how to make a rice krispie cake:
3j writing display instructions 2024
In English we acted out a scene from
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory using a playscript:
In Maths we looked at divisibility with remainders
by making shapes using different numbers of sticks:
In science we are learning about light and dark:
In science we explored that dark was the absence of light
and we needed light in order to see things by trying to identify items in a feeling bag:
In science we explore which material was the most reflective:
In Science we explore reflection using mirrors:
In computing we worked unplugged exploring writing code for an emoji
and finding a quick route for a mapping network:
In computing we worked unplugged writing code for an emoji and
cracking codes using a cipher:
In RE we are looking at prophets who were called to do a job by God.
We listened to the story of Moses and the burning bush and made our own burning bushes:
3j burning bush jan 2024
In PE with Mr Ainscow we are developing our gymnastic skills.
We made lots of shapes:
In PE with Mr Ainscow we continued to develop our gymnastics skills
and worked on balances and counterbalances:
In PE with Mrs Johnson we are developing our dance skills.
We moved as different animals in a jungle:
We explored the jungle through dance:
We moved like different animals in the jungle through dance:
We went on a safari and made up our own dance:
We practised our throwing and catching skills in PE:
We played dodgeball:
In music we are continuing to develop our samba skills:
Autumn 2
Here is our curriculum letter for the Autumn term:
Year 3 Autumn Curriculum Newsletter 2023
Here are our spellings from Autumn 2:
Year 3 Autumn 2 Spellings 2023
In Autumn 2 our theme is called “May the Force Be with You”.
It is a unit focusing on Science concepts and skills. (We did some of the work in Autumn 1.)
We will be learning about forces and magnets. We will learn:
A. To know how things move on different surfaces
B. To know that and observe how some forces need contact between
two objects and some forces act at a distance
C. To know that and observe how magnets attract or repel
each other and attract some materials and not others
D. To describe magnets as having two poles
E. To predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other,
depending on which poles are facing
F. To compare and group together a variety of everyday
materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials.
In Autumn 2 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
Lights on Cotton Rock by David Litchfield The Green Ship by Quentin Blake You’re called what? by Kes Gray Hortense and the Shadow by Lauren and Natalia O’Hara Never Tickle a Tiger by Pamela Butchart |
In Autumn 2 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl
The Iron Man by Ted Hughes
Amazing Events we have done in Autumn 2:
On Wednesday 20th December we had a fabulous time at our Year 3/ 4 Christmas party:
On Monday 18th December we went to Victoria Hall to watch Cinderella:
On Friday 1st December we went to Victoria Hall to see the Mayor's Christmas Concert:
On Tuesday 21st November we had a fabulous time flying kites at Rivington:
On Tuesday 21st November our parents came to read with us in the library:
On Monday 20th November we went to the Justice Museum.
We found out about the police force:
We took part in a courtroom workshop on cyberbullying:
On Friday 17th November we dressed in our pyjamas to raise money for Children in Need:
Children In Need
We are still completing tasks at home to help us become
Guardians of the Wild:
We now have 3 Guardians of the Wild:
3j guardians of the wild 2023
We are having great fun In forest school.
In week 2 in forest school we did some whittling:
Our learning:
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
Theme: Our theme unit in Autumn 2 is called
“May the Force Be with You”.
It is a unit focusing on Science concepts and skills.
In Science we investigated which magnet was the strongest:
In Science we made magnetic games:
In science we explored poles on a magnet:
In theme we made kites ready to go and fly them at Rivington:
In science we explored what items were magnetic or non-magnetic:
In science we made paper aeroplanes to explore gravity and air resistance:
In science we made parachutes of different sizes and dropped
an egg in it from a height. Gravity made it fall and air resistance slowed it down.
The bigger the parachute, the slower the egg fell.
Some eggs broke and some did not:
We did some Christmas crafts:
We made some Christmas Cards using levers in Design Technology
and decorated them:
In English we are reading The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.
In art we used pastels to draw the iron man:
In English we made news report about events in the Iron Man story:
In English we watched the Iron Giant film and compared it to The Iron Man book:
In maths we go on Maths Flex and Timestable Rockstars regularly:
In computing we are developing our word processing skills:
In computing we developed our digital literacy skills:
3j digital literacy dec 23
In computing we made inserts for our Christmas cards:
3j Xmas card inserts 2023
In music we are developing our Samba drumming skills:
In RE we made sukkah shelters like the Jewish people do
during the festival of Sukkot:
In RE we meditated and pretended we were a shepherd that
met baby Jesus and discussed how that must have felt:
In PE we played games with Mr Ainscow:
In PE we practised moving in different ways:
In PE we played dodgeball:
In PE we made a dance as different animals around an African watering hole:
In PE we did a Diwali dance:
In PE we made a mechanism dance linking with our science work:
In PE we danced to Just Dance songs to keep fit:
Autumn 1
Thank you to the parents that came to the meet the teacher afternoon on 14th September.
It was lovely to meet you.
For those parents that couldn't make it, here is the powerpoint that we shared:
Year 3 Meet the Teacher Powerpoint Autumn 2023
Here is our curriculum letter for the Autumn term:
Year 3 Autumn Curriculum Newsletter 2023
Here are our spellings from Autumn 1:
Year 3 Autumn Spellings 2023
In Autumn 1 our theme is called “Law and Order”.
It is a thematic unit, based on the concept of justice, with a key focus on citizenship.
Pupils will look at the importance of leadership and the meaning of democracy and its origins, before
moving on to how this applies practically in communities, both school-wide, locally and nationally.
It finishes by recognising issues of justice, rights and responsibilities in their own setting and the wider world.
In science our unit is called “May the Force Be with You”.
We will be learning about forces and magnets. We will learn:
A. To know how things move on different surfaces
B. To know that and observe how some forces need contact between
two objects and some forces act at a distance
C. To know that and observe how magnets attract or repel
each other and attract some materials and not others
D. To describe magnets as having two poles
E. To predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other,
depending on which poles are facing
F. To compare and group together a variety of everyday
materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials.
In Autumn 1 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
Mrs Noah's Pockets by Jackie Morris
Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen
If I Were Prime Minister by Trygve Skaug
It's Your World Now by Barry Falls
Change Sings By Amanda Gorman
In Autumn 1 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
Ruby's Worry by Tom Percival
The Twits by Roald Dahl
The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl
The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo
Zoo by Anthony Browne
Amazing Events we have done in Autumn 1:
On Friday 20th October we went to Martin Mere.
We had a wonderful time exploring the area and
doing challenges so we can become Guardians of the Wild:
Here are some of the activities we have done at home
towards earning our Guardian of the Wild status:
On Tuesday 17th October we went to Bolton Town Hall.
We had drinks and biscuits with the Mayor.
We had a tour around Bolton Town Hall and found out lots about how the local council works:
For National Poetry Day we read, discussed and performed the poem
On the Move again from Somewhere by Michael Rosen:
On Thursday 5th October we took part in a BWFC Racism workshop:
On Wednesday 4th October we went to church to celebrate Harvest.
Thank you to those who brought generous donations:
We are having great fun In forest school.
In week 1 in forest school we picked and ate apples we had grown:
In week 2 in forest school we whittled sticks:
In week 8 in forest school we cooked on the open fire:
In class worship each week we discuss
our school values Love, Friendship, Creative and Respect:
We often visit our class library:
We often go to the sandpit:
On transition day we wrote about ourselves.
We stuck the pieces together like a jigsaw to show we all fit together:
3J All About Me 2023
On transition day we learned about the street artist ThankyouX.
We designed our own cubes and stuck them together to make our own street art:
3J Street Art 2023
Our learning:
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
Theme: Our theme unit in Autumn 1 is called Law and Order.
In this unit we have look at rules, leaders, democracy and keeping safe.
In English we wrote and performed our own poems based on If I were King:
Here are our poems on display:
3j if I were King own version display 2023
In English we wrote a speech to apply for the position of school councillor
and then we read them out. We then had a democratic vote to choose our new school councillor.
We voted for Alisha. Congratulations Alisha:
In English we practised and then performed the poem
If I were King to our class:
In English we asked characters from The Butterfly Lion questions in a hot seating activity:
In English we wrote persuasive letters to the Prime Minister
to try to persuade him to improve zoos in England:
3J zoo persuasive writing 2023
In drama we acted out breaking the rules and what the consequences could be:
In speaking and listening we played lots of games and discussed
how rules of the game need to be fair for all. We played Get and Go and Cabbages:
In dance we practised leading our partner
around the room and doing synchronised movements.
Some of us liked being the leader and some of us preferred to be the follower:
In PSHE we planned our own learning experience to teach our class some animal facts.
Some of us liked being the teacher and some of us didn't.:
In maths we practised partitioning in different ways:
In maths we partitioned into hundred, tens and ones using the base ten equipment:
In maths we practised our timestables on TimestablesRockstars.
We are going to practise at home too:
In science we played with different items to try to decide if pushes, pulls, magnetism and gravity
were forces that acted with contact or at a distance:
In science we did an investigation
to find out which surface had the most friction:
In science we were exploring gravity and did an investigation to
find out how weight impacts falling time:
In RE we are learning about the rules we should follow.
We imagined we were the King or Queen of England and
wrote our own rules for our citizens to follow:
3J RE If I was King 2023
In art we used the rule of thirds to draw a picture.
The subject had to be on one of the points not in the middle:
3J Rule of Thirds 2023
In computing we searched for ourselves to check our digital footprint.
Thankfully we did not find any silly images of ourselves and our family members:
In computing we are learning about e-safety.
We read the story Chicken Clicking.
We wrote a letter to Chicken telling her not to meet up with
an online stranger without telling her parents where she was:
3J Chicken Clicking 2023
In music we were introduced to the different samba instruments:
In music each we played our samba instruments:
In PE in our gymnastics topic we practised different jumps and leaps:
In PE we practised different jumps and leaps off different tables and benches:
In PE we practised different rolls in gymnastics:
In PE we did some gymnastics with Mrs Boyd:
In PE we played dodgeball:
In PE we played lots of games with Mr Ainscow:
In PE we practised our ball skills:
In PE we did an assault course with Mr Ainscow:
In PE we did some clockwork spring dances
which linked to our science forces work: