Mr J England, Mrs J Ashton, Mrs E Lightfoot, Miss A Worthington,  Mrs K Lewin 


Smithills' Hall, Friday 15th November - Linked to our Tudor Topic

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Our PE day in Year 6 is now on Thursday. Please  ensure that your child brings in their full PE uniform on Thursday.  

 There is a uniform for PE lessons.  This consists of: 

a plain white t-shirt 

navy or black shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms.

trainers and/or PE pumps.

Earrings and head scarfs are not to be worn in PE lessons.  If your child does were earrings, these must be removed before the lesson by the child or removed at home before coming to school. 



Please bring your reading book to school every day so we can read with you.

Please read a few pages at home every day and ask an adult to sign your reading record.


Homework is handed out on a Wednesday and should be completed and handed in by the following Monday. 


Spellings are handed out weekly on Wednesday and children are tested on the following Wednesday. Current spelling lists can be found in the term folders (eg Autumn, Spring, Summer) 

Y6 Curriculum.

This half term our curriculum sees Year 6 explore a wide variety of topics. In English we are in Nazi occupied Germany learning and writing about peoples specific stories. In Maths we are working on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In the afternoons we are venturing back to the Tudor times. Whilst in science, we are discovering what an organism is and how we can classify them.





SATs practice - following this link enables you to download previous SATs papers which your child can use to revise. 

KS2 Year 6 SATs Papers


Here are some apps our children have logins for at home. These apps will help support their learning in school. The times tables are particularly helpful to help improve speed at their times tables, ready for the Year 4 test in June.

MATHSFLEX                                                         TIMESTABLE ROCKSTARS                                             READING EGGS                                                                    Learning to Read for Kids | Learn to Read with Phonics | Free Trial – Reading  Eggs   |                             |


We have put together some useful websites that will help support your learning.


Click on the picture and it will take you directly to the website.



SUMMER TERM - First half term

Our theme for this half term is "Go With the Flow".  This is a science-based theme covering the science strand of Animals including humans.  Through a range of activities, the children will be investigating:

  • impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function
  • the main parts of the human circulatory system, and explain the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood
  • the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including human



Here are the important documents for this half term. 

6H Summer 1 Important Documents


Spellings tests are carried out on Wednesdays and new spellings are taught and handed out to the children to take home.  Please ensure that your child practices and learns the spelling pattern/rule each week to help improve their general spelling when writing. 


This half term in English, our writing will be based on Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo.

Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo (9781405221740/Paperback) |  LoveReading4Kids

Year 6 Five Class Reads

A Shelter for Sadness Dear Wild Child: You Carry Your Home Inside You Do Not Open This Book: A ridiculously funny story for kids, big and small!Penguin ProblemsFArTHER

Shelter for Sadness by Anna Booth | Dear Wild Child – Wallace. J. Nicholls | Do Not Open This Book by Andy Lee | Penguin Problems by Jory John | Farther by Grahame Baker Smith



Take a look at what we've been up to in Year 6M 


The children have learned all about the circulatory system and practised explaining aloud to their peers using diagrams and counters to help. 




The children have been finding out more about how the heart works.  They used jars, balloons, straws and water to build a model to demonstrate. 



After reading more of our chapter book, Kensuke's Kingdom, the children 'interviewed Michael', the main character, to find out more about his journey. 


The children learned more about the heart and looked at different ways to find their pulse. 


The children built on their learning about the parts of the circulatory system and found out what blood is made of.  They used a variety of materials to made a model of blood. 



The children have been learning about the different parts of the circulatory system.  They began this unit with a visit to Sharples School to dissect a heart. 




“A World of Bright Ideas!” is a thematic unit which focuses on the creative process of invention and design, with a learning towards history and design technology. Pupils will look at important inventions over time, before moving on to learning about more current issues such as patenting and copyright. They will have the opportunity to actively engage in the design and make process, looking at the steps involved from generating a concept to producing a commercially viable product. The science link is forces.  Children will investigate air resistance, water and water resistance. 



Here are the important documents for this half term. 

6H Spring 2 Important Documents



Spellings tests are carried out on Wednesdays and new spellings are taught and handed out to the children to take home.  Please ensure that your child practices and learns the spelling pattern/rule each week to help improve their general spelling when writing. 



This half term in English, our writing will be based on the short film Alma. Genre: horror/mystery. 


We will be writing newspaper reports and a sequel to the film. 

Year 6 Five Class Reads

In Year 6, our five class reads for Spring Term 2 are: The Wolves in The Wall by Neil Gaiman, Into the Forest by Anthony Browne, Fox by Isabel Thomas and Daniel Egneus, Black Dog by Levi Pinfold, The Story of The Three Little Pigs.

The Wolves in the Walls: Dave McKean, Neil Gaiman: Gaiman,  Neil, McKean, Dave: 9780747591627: BooksInto the Forest: Browne, Anthony, Browne, Anthony:  9781844285594: BooksFox picture book helps children understand deathBlack Dog by Levi Pinfold | WaterstonesThe True Story of the Three Little Pigs: Scieszka, Jon,  Smith, Lane: 9780140540567: Books



Take a look at some of the fun things that we have done so far in the second half term of spring. 


The children investigated the relationship between mass and weight using Newton meters and measuring Newtons and kilograms of various objects. 




The children investigated the difference a pulley makes when lifting weight. 


The children went into the local area and collected lots of litter from the fields. 


The children investigated air resistance by carrying out a fair test to see if the size of a parachute affects the speed it takes to fall. 


The children investigated water resistance by seeing how the shape of an object (in this case, plasticine, affects the time taken to fall to the bottom. 






In Spring Term 1, our theme is “I Have a Dream...", which is a thematic unit, based on issues of discrimination, particularly apartheid and anti-semitism, with a key subject focus on history. Pupils will learn about the factors that contribute towards discrimination and why different groups have been stereotyped and, as a result, persecuted and badly treated.

The subjects included in this thematic unit are art, geography,  music, science and PSHE. Breadth comes, not only from the range of subjects offered, but also from their careful integration, leading to more connected thinking. Global Dimensions help pupils develop a wider perspective and understand the links between their own lives and those of people around the world.

Here is our curriculum letter which provides an over view for the spring term  which provides an overview of the learning covered in all subjects. 


Year 6 Curriculum Overview spring term 

Year 6 Spring term Curriculum Letter





Here is our spelling overview for the first half term of spring (Spring Term 1). Spelling tests are carried out on Wednesdays and the new spellings to be tested for the following week are handed out to the children to take home. Please ensure that your child practices and learns their spellings and pattern/ rule each week. Writing them down will also help to  improve their handwriting which should be joined and have consistency of letter size. Dates are not included in the overview but, as an example, Week 1 will be tested in week 1 of the term and so on. 

Year 6 spring term 1 spellings 2023/2024



Our class novel for the Autumn Term 1 is 'Wonder' by RJ Palacio. The genre is contemporary children's literature (fiction). The themes of the novel are prejudice, self- acceptance, middle school, friendship and bullying. All of our English lessons will be based around this book. 


Year 6 Five Class Reads

In Year 6, our five class reads for Spring Term 1 are: And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson;  The Island by Armin Greder; Humpty Dumpty Lived Near a Wall by Derek  Hughes; Freedom We Sing by Amyra León; and How to live forever by Colin Thompson

And Tango Makes Three: Richardson, Justin, Parnell, Peter,  Cole, Henry: 8601406117426: BooksThe Island eBook : Greder, Armin, Armin Greder: Kindle StoreHumpty Dumpty Lived Near a Wall by Hughes, Derek - Picture 1 of 1Freedom, We Sing: 1 by Amyra León Book The Cheap Fast Free Post - Picture 1 of 2How to live forever : Colin Thompson : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming  : Internet Archive



Take a look at some of the fun things that we have done so far in the first half of the spring term. 

ART - Wire sculpting 

We learned all about Pietro D'Angelo and his artwork.  He created some amazing 3D pieces using paperclips.  We practised different techniques following instructions on how to create giraffes.  These techniques will help us when we create our own 3D wire sculptures. 


SCIENCE - Acting pollination process

We have been learning about how the life cycles of different animals and how they produce offspring.  Today, we learned how flowering plants reproduce.  We read about it, placed cards in the correct order, acted out the process and then created storyboards to demonstrate our understanding.  

MATHS - Percentages with poppits

We used 100 bubble poppits to learn about percentages and the connection between decimals, percentages and fractions.  

HISTORY - Nelson Mandela timeline

As part of our learning in theme lessons (history), we have found out about apartheid in South Africa.  We learned about Nelson Mandela and his fight against apartheid.  We researched key events in his life and, in groups, we created posters to create a group timeline. 








In Autumn Term 1, our theme is "Wars of the World” which is  a thematic unit, based on conflicts past and present, with a key focus on history and geography. Pupils will learn about the root causes of war and have an understanding of its impact, focusing on the two World Wars in particular. They will also learn about civil wars and look at examples, before focusing on present day warfare. pacifism and the importance of peace will also form part of the theme.


Here is out curriculum letter for the first half term which provides an overview of the children's learning for all subjects. 

Year 6 Curriculum Autumn 2023


Here is our spelling overview for the first half term (Autumn 1).  Spellings tests are carried out on Wednesdays and new spellings are taught and handed out to the children to take home.  Please ensure that your child practices and learns the spelling pattern/rule each week to help improve their general spelling when writing. Please note that dates are not included in the overview.  As an example, week 1 spellings are handed out on week 1 and then children carry out the test on week 2 (the following week) and so on. 




Our class novel for Autumn Term 1 is Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll.  The genre is historical fiction and all of our English lessons will be based around this book. 

Letters from the Lighthouse: ‘THE QUEEN OF HISTORICAL FICTION’ Guardian: 1

Year 6 Five Class Reads

In Year 6, our five class reads for Autumn Term 1 are: If the World Were 100 People by Jackie McCann | Wisp by Zana Fraillon | Dreams of Freedom by Amnesty International | Where the Poppies Now Grow by Hilary Robinson | When I Was a Child by Andy StantonIf the World Were 100 People by Jackie McCann | Wisp by Zana Fraillon | Dreams of Freedom by Amnesty International | Where the Poppies Now Grow by Hilary Robinson | When I Was a Child by Andy Stanton

If the World Were 100 People: Winner of The Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize 2022Wisp: A Story of Hope: Fraillon, Zana, Baker Smith, Grahame:  9781408350119: BooksDreams of FreedomWhere The Poppies Now Grow:. CARNEGIE & KATE GREENAWAY MEDAL Nominees 2015 (Poppy)When I Was a Child



Take a look at some of the fun and exciting things we have done this half term...

HISTORY - World War workshop 

As part of our theme, we learned about all different wars, including the 2 world wars.  We had a special visitor who came into school to teach us more.  We had the opportunity to hear stories, play games, dress up  and handle a variety of artefacts. 


SCIENCE - Comparative and Fair Test 

We have been learning about light and how it travels and then thought about how reflective materials are.  We placed different t materials inside a 'blackout' bucket and shone a torch inside.  We looked through a 'spy hole' to see how well we could see each materials and rated using a scale of 0 - 10. 


SCIENCE - Exploring

We learned about how light travels by setting up a practical  experiment.  We used black cards with holes in the centre and a target.  We aimed a torch through the holes when lined up and were able to light up the target.  When the holes were misaligned, the target was not lit up. We drew diagrams showing how light appears to travel in straight lines. 


MATHS - Practical work with Gattegno charts. 

We were using Gattegno charts to explore multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1,000,  10,000 and 100,000.  We used counters to help us work through the chart.


HISTORY AND ENGLISH (Speaking and Listening) 

As part of our learning about World War 2, we researched different people from Bolton who lived during that war.  We then explored their thoughts and feelings through 'hot-seating'  which involves role-playing those people in an interview scenario. 


HISTORY - The American Civil War. 

We learned about what a civil war is and found out about some famous ones that have taken place in history.  We then learned more about The American Civil War and researched some of the key figures involved.  We shared our findings with the rest of the class. 

GEOGRAPHY - Current wars of the world. 

We learned more about war and about current conflicts in the world.  We used a conflict tracker website to find out where there is current conflict and labelled on a world map.  We then found out more details about why the war is happening. 


Time Team  is a history and geography based unit which involves looking at our local area of Bolton.  The children will be carrying out fieldwork in our local area and will research a famous person from Bolton (Samuel Crompton).  They will also be considering the impact of the Industrial Revolution on Britain and Bolton and Samuel Crompton's role with the invention of the Spinning Mule. 


Here is our spelling overview for the first half term (Autumn 1).  Spellings tests are carried out on Wednesdays and new spellings are taught and handed out to the children to take home.  Please ensure that your child practices and learns the spelling pattern/rule each week to help improve their general spelling when writing. Please note that dates are not included in the overview.  As an example, week 1 spellings are handed out on week 1 and then children carry out the test on week 2 (the following week) and so on. 



English and maths homework is handed out every week on a Wednesday and should be handed in by the following Monday.  As well as this weekly homework, there is a homework grid with a set of creative challenges, connected with our current theme unit, which children can choose from to complete.  



Our class novel for Autumn Term 2 is The Giant's Necklace by Michael Morpurgo.  The genre is ghost story and all of our English lessons will be based around this book. 

The Giant's Necklace by Michael Morpurgo - Book Review - Whispering Stories

Year 6 Five Class Reads

In Year 6, our five class reads for Autumn Term 2 are: 

Can I Build Another Me? by Yoshitake, Shinsuke The Viewer by Tan, ShaunFaraway Things by Eggers, DaveWolves : Gravett, Emily: BooksGreenling: Levi Pinfold, Levi Pinfold: 9781783700554: Books


Take a look at some of the fun and exciting things we have done this half term...


After a very busy term, we ended with our Christmas party.  We ate lots of food and played games.  It was a great end to the autumn term. 


We have been learning about Samuel Crompton and his invention, the Spinning Mule. We went to Bolton Museum to find out more about him and the  impact of the Industrial Revolution on Bolton.  We had a great time.  Whilst we were there, we visited the aquarium and the 'moon'.  We also went in to town to visit Samuel Crompton's grave and find the statue of him in the town centre. 



We investigated refraction of light.  First of all, we used torches to create rainbows by shining through different prisms.  We then placed an object in a glass of water to see what happened to the image once refracted through the water. We drew diagrams to show our observations. 

ART - Sewing (making poppies) 

We were practising sewing skills to make poppies.  We started off with a simple stitching technique to join materials and add a button and then moved on to making miniature poppy cushions.  We think they look great. 









Year 6 Spring 2 Spellings Overview


PE is now on a Tuesday with Commando Joe and on a Friday with the 6S team. Please make sure you have the correct PE kit in school on both days.

In the first couple of weeks of Spring 1 the children revisited invasion games and practised the skills of attacking and defending. Here are a few photo's of what they got upto.


We are currently embracing the love of reading for pleasure, and as such are enjoying being read to by your children every day in school. For this to continue - please ensure your child brings their reading book to school every day and take every opportunity to listen to them read at home too. This could be reading to grown-ups or even sharing a bedtime story with a younger sibling. 


Year 6 Summer Curriculum Letter



We are currently learning about the circulatory system and the different components of blood. To help the children visualise what this might look like, we made blood using a range of household items, including; food colouring, cereal, mini marshmallows and water! Who knew blood could be so tasty!

Y6S Science Experiment - Making blood




















The children have been getting creative to showcase their understanding of how white blood cells act as 'superheroes' in our bodies, keeping us healthy by fighting viruses and bacteria.


Y6S White Blood Cells Comic Strips













Year 6 have been transported back in time to WWII where they have learned the Lambeth Walk. They all thoroughly enjoyed this and got into the team spirit. Doing the Lambeth Walk......Hey!


Y6S PE - Lambeth Walk















On Monday our wonderful parents came into school to read with us in the library.  Here are some photos of our lovely afternoon.


In preparation for Christmas we have been making cards for the elderly.  These will be delivered to homes across the local area in December.


In PE in Autumn 2 we have been looking at invasion games.  Here are some pictures of us getting to grips with hockey sticks, basketballs and footballs.






Although it wasn't Sunday, Year 6 walked to Bolton town hall for the annual remembrance of those who fought in the wars.


As part of our theme topic 'War of the Worlds' we enjoyed a trip to the Imperial War Museum in Manchester.  We saw thousands of genuine artifacts from the war.  It was fascinating!  








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