Y1S 2024 - 2025
Welcome to our class page
Class team - Mrs Shaw
Miss Nugent, Mrs Ahmed, Mrs Ahmed
Upcoming events:
Friday 21st March - Red Nose Day - 'Freaky Friday' - £1 on the app
Wednesday 23rd April - 1S class assembly (2.25pm arrival)
Thursday 19th June - Imagine That! - £15 on the app
This term our PE days will be Thursday and Friday. Please make sure you bring your PE kit in a bag on these days.
Please bring your reading books and records everyday so we can listen to you read in school.
This half term we are reading…
The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson | The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas | Wild by Emily Hughes | The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch by David and Ronda Armitage| The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright
Have a look at what we will be studying this term.
Y1 Termly Overview
Spelling tests will be every Thursday.
Please see below for our spellings to practice at home. Spellings are stuck into the purple homework books.
Please check with the class teacher to see which spelling group your child is in.
Y1S Spellings 2024-2025
Every week we have class worship. It is a time for us to talk and reflect. This half term we are looking at out school values of love, friendship, creativity and respect.
Outdoor Learning
We have been doing some of our learning outdoors.
In geography we used a map to navigate around school and create a journey stick showing the signs of spring.
In science we are learning how to care for our planet, and created citrus bird feeders to feed the birds in forest school.
Jumbles trip
We went on a class trip to Jumbles Country Park and walked around the reservoir. We enjoyed spending time outdoors and enjoyed the challenge of walking all the way around.
World Book Day
We dressed up as our favourite book characters, took part in an extreme reading competition, and did lots of fun activities around the book Journey.
We also read with children from Year 4, and in the library.
We have been looking at toys, and comparing new and old toys. We showed our favourite toys to the class, and had the opportunity to play with some older toys.
We have started to look at plants. We have planted our own beans and are watching them grow.
In Design Technology we have been making smoothies. First we taste tested a range of fruits and fruit juices. Then we practiced our knife skills and how to use a juicer. Finally we picked which fruits we liked and made our own smoothies.
In RE we have been learning about the Christian festival of Harvest. We went to St. Thomas' Church to take part in a harvest festival.
We have also been learning about Creation. We had the opportunity to be creative, and then created pictures to represent the parts of the creation story.
Rivington Nature Walk
As part of out RE lessons we went on a nature walk around Rivington to explore God's Creation.
In maths we have been comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equal to.
Forest School
We have enjoyed going out to forest school. We really liked making leaf people pictures.
We have been learning about the human body and the five senses.
We went on a sound walk around school, we tasted different foods to see if they were sweet, salty, bitter, savoury or sour. We smelt different things and identified the smells.
Library visit
Year 1 had a great time visiting Bolton Library. We listened to and acted out stories, we read books, we looked around the aquarium, did a book treasure hunt and completed a craft activity. It was so much fun!
Click the above image to watch a RWI video.