Maths Policies:

These are the policies that we follow at St Matthew's. 

Please see a member of staff if you have any questions about how we teach maths at our school:

Maths Policy 2024

WRM Calculation Policy 2024


Maths Events in 2024!


On Friday 2nd February it was NSPCC Number Day.  We dressed as a digit

and did maths activities to raise money for the NSPCC.

We did a TTRS assembly. Miss Burkmar, Ruwaid from Year 6,

Llukman from Year 5, Mohammed from Year 4 and Alfie from Year 3 competed

to see who could answer the most timestables questions correctly in one minute.

Miss Burkmar managed to get 30 questions correct and is the current St Matthews TTRS champion:


Here are some photos of the outfits with a number on worn in 3J:


We took part in the TTRS competition NSPCC Rocks against 3,792 other schools.

We came 743/ 3,792:


Here are the results for our classes. Well done Mrs Hardingham's class:

NNS Family Maths!

National Numeracy Parental Engagement Project

We are delighted to have been selected to work with the independent charity National Numeracy on an exciting project which encourages children and families to do maths together.

As part of the project, we introduced National Numeracy’s Family Maths scrapbooks and activities. These are weekly activities that help children and families to explore everyday maths at home together. They link the maths that children are learning at school with life outside the classroom.

You don’t need any special knowledge or equipment to work on the activities. Just talking about everyday maths can help develop children’s maths confidence. You might like to take photos, draw pictures, write sums or create diagrams in the scrapbooks – it’s up to you!

National Numeracy has provided a scrapbook for every child in the school. We encouraged all families to support their children’s learning by getting involved with the activities.

In January 2024 parents and carers attended a workshop led by National Numeracy on supporting children to develop positive attitudes towards maths. All parents and carers were offered access to National Numeracy’s free online learning tool for adults, the National Numeracy Challenge.

National Numeracy is keen to hear from parents, pupils and teachers about the project and about their feelings around maths. As such, they will be sending out surveys at the start and end of the project to ask for your thoughts, and we would encourage you to take part and make sure your views are heard.

However you feel about maths, you can make a big difference to your child’s numeracy learning. In a similar project, 88% of children said they increased their confidence with maths and 86% of parents said they increased their confidence in helping their children with maths.


How you can help improve your maths skills

Many adults feel daunted by using maths in everyday life and experience anxiety when helping their children with their homework.

That’s why we are encouraging all parents and carers to have a go at National Numeracy’s free and easy-to-use website, the National Numeracy Challenge.

The site aims to help adults brush up without pressure on the numeracy skills which are needed in work and everyday life.

Signing up gives you the chance to find out what your skill level is, practise some of the things you find difficult and access online learning resources at the right level for you.

You can log in and out at any time and save your progress as you go. Your activity on the site is confidential.

We hope that you will join us and start your journey to confidence with numbers. Register here:


Thank you to all the parents that attend the workshop with Iain from NNS

to find out how to help your child with their maths on Thursday 18th January 9-10am.

We hope you found it useful.

If you couldn't attend the workshop, here is the powerpoint that was discussed:

NNS Help your child love maths powerpoint 18.1.24


Examples of Activities in books:

If you are not sure what the work should look like in the books, have a look at these wonderful examples:

Family maths books examples 2024































Parent and Child Workshops:

Thank you to all the year 3 parents that came to the Year 3 Fun Maths Workshop. You are making a difference to your child's maths learning!:


Thank you to all the year 4 parents that came to the Year 4 Fun Maths Workshop. You are making a difference to your child's maths learning!:


We were successful and achieved the NNS Maths Quality Mark!

Intent, Implementation and Impact



The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.


At St. Matthew’s we want to ensure all pupils:

  • are confidently working at, at least, expected level.
  • have a good understanding of mathematical concepts.
  • can apply mathematics in a variety of situations.
  • enjoy mathematics and are enthusiastic.
  • have a positive mindset for mathematics.
  • be confident using a mastery approach to mathematics.
  • can answer questions confidently.
  • can explain their methods, approaches and reason.
  • develop skills to be able to cope in the big wide world.  E.g.  Telling the time, handling money, measurements…




To achieve our intent, we will:

  • use Power Maths textbooks and workbooks predominately used in 5 Power Maths lessons weekly.
  • adapt lessons if needed, spending longer on objectives with certain groups of children.
  • have clear, pacey lessons.
  • introduce a variety of strategies/ methods to the children.
  • use streamed groups so work can be pitched appropriately.
  • use the environment- resources available and working walls updated regularly.
  • be good role models and have a positive attitude to mathematics.
  • use talk for maths- children sharing ideas with peers and supporting each other- coaching.
  • have focused interventions with high quality teaching for children with misconceptions or working at below expected level.
  • use of concrete manipulatives, moving on to pictorial representations and finally using abstract mathematics.
  • times tables regularly chanted and practised. Times table Rockstars being used at home and school.
  • set homework to support learning at home.
  • have strong subject knowledge from staff and children.
  • use Basic Skills/ Arithmetic tests used weekly to support distance learning.
  • use cross- curricular opportunities.
  • in Early Years, have inviting rich maths areas in provision, indoor/outdoor, giving opportunities to develop/ consolidate.




What you will see at St. Matthew’s :

  • Children excited and engaged, trying hard and answering questions.
  • Pupil led reasoning/ explaining.  Children asking questions and explaining how they found their answers.
  • Children working independently using their own strategies.
  • Children being stretched and challenged.
  • Children consolidating their learning.
  • Children answering reasoning questions in every lesson confidently.
  • Assessment for learning within each lesson.
  • Completed end of unit checks, marking, self-assessment, assessment test scores.
  • Results of termly tests- used to inform future lessons.
  • Effective use of support staff/ intervention teachers/ SEN support.
  • Maths happening in the wider curriculum. E.g. in Theme lessons, Number Day.
  • Maths vocabulary displayed in classrooms and children using the vocabulary when they talk to each other.
  • Bright, stimulating working walls related to the topic.
  • Lots of resources out, accessible for children to use if needed.
  • Small focus groups of children.
  • Marking policy being followed.
  • Misconceptions addressed and clarified in the lesson.
  • Fix it times/ same day interventions used where possible.
  • Daily chanting for oral/ mental starter.
  • Celebrating Timestable Rockstars Achievement in assemblies.
  • Parent Meetings to share methods of mathematics used at our school.
  • CPD used effectively to support and enhance teachers’ teaching of mathematics.
  • Planning- evaluated and next steps identified.
  • In Early years maths is in all areas.  Staff will find opportunities to do maths. E.g. snack time, lining up, registration…. Maths in provision, using exciting opportunities, following interests.
  • As many children as possible reaching ARE.

Our School Learning Journey:


What's Happening at St Matthew's...



At St Matthew's all classes do a daily maths lesson. 


We follow the National Curriculum Guidance for mathematics that explains what we need to do in each year group.:

National Curriculum Programmes of Study for mathematics




We use the White Rose Maths mastery scheme and do other maths activities weekly to support our maths learning.


Here are the yearly overview for White Rose Maths that the teachers follow at St Matthew's. 

We may spend more days or less days on each topic if each class needs to so these overviews are only a guide:

WRM overviews 2024


Here is a breakdown of the small steps each year group will cover in the Autumn term:



Reception WRM small steps Autumn 2024


Year 1:

Y1 WRM Small Steps Autumn 2024


Year 2:

Y2 WRM Small Steps Autumn 2024


Year 3:

Y3 WRM Small Steps Autumn 2024


Year 4: 

Y5 WRM Small Steps Autumn 2024


Year 5:

Y5 WRM Small Steps Autumn 2024


Year 6:

Y6 WRM Small Steps Autumn 2024


Every half term teachers add a curriculum letter to their class page to inform

parents which areas they are working on during the half term.




All children have a log in for TimestableRockstars. 

Timestables are a fundamental part of learning in maths and once we know them off by heart, it enhances our maths learning.

At the end of Year 4, children are expected to do a timed timestable check where they need to get all the answers correct to pass. 

We encourage the children to go on it at home and at school. Click on the picture here to go straight to the website.  Ask staff if you need help logging in.



All children especially KS1 children have a log in for NumBots

which is an interactive app that supports learning addition and subtraction facts. 

We encourage the children to go on it at home and at school.  Ask staff if you need help logging in.



Reception, year 1 and year 2 are participating

in a Mastering Number fluency programme from NCETM which will support our fluency skills.

We do a quick daily fluency lesson and they are great fun.

This year years 4 and 5 will be doing a Mastering Number programme daily too.


Year 4 are working hard getting ready to sit their Multiplication Tables Check.

If you click on this link you can practise the test at home:


All children can practise their timetables using this website for free too!


Look here to see other things we have been up to in maths in our different classes:


In Maths we looked at divisibility with remainders

by making shapes using different numbers of sticks:


In maths in year 2 we have been practising our multiplication skills:


In maths we've been practising our skills on MathsFlex:


In maths in year 3 we practised partitioning in different ways:


In maths in year 3 we partitioned into hundred, tens and ones using the base ten equipment:


In maths in year 3 we practised our timestables on TimestablesRockstars.

We are going to practise at home too:



In maths in year 3 we have been using the ipads to work on tally charts and pictograms:


In maths in year 4 we were working out area:


In maths in year 4 we were working out division: 


In maths in year 3 we used paint to work out our times tables:

3 paint maths 2023



In maths in year 6 we were using cubes to work out fractions:


In maths in year 4 children have been working on measure and perimeter. 

We worked out the missing edges using sticks to help us at first: 


In maths in reception we used resources in our provision to practise our maths skills:


In maths in year 1 we used resources to practise place value knowledge:


In maths in year 2 we used resources to practise place value knowledge:


In maths in year 3 we are learning to tell the time on analogue clocks:


In maths in year 3 we used resources to practise place value knowledge:

3j la maths 2022




In maths in year 3 we used resources and pictures to practise exchanging ten ones

for a ten when adding a 3 digit number and a single digit number:



In maths in year 3 we used resources and pictures to practise exchanging ten ones

for a ten when subtracting a 3 digit number and a single digit number:


In maths in year 4 we have been working on our place value knowledge:


In maths in year 4 we have been learning how to tell the time:


In year 3 in maths we have been learning how to multiply and divide a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.

We used apparatus to help us:


In Year 3 we have been handling money.

We have added and subtracted amounts and solved money problems:


In Year 3 we have been learning about length and doing lots of measuring:

Year 3 length










In Year 3 we have been learning about 3D shapes:

3d shapes in year 3 2022





In Year 4, we have been learning about fractions. We found tenths and hundredths in lots of different ways:

Exciting Events in 2022-2023


Our Power Maths scheme has changed and we invited parents

to take home our old books so children can practise at home:


On Friday 5th February it was NSPCC Number Day:

This year we decided to take part in NSPCC Rocks to raise money for the NSPCC.

We dressed up as rockstars and had great fun taking part in TTRS activities.

We raised a fabulous £177.28.

We started the day with a TTRS assembly.

Asad, Ilhan, Siena, Kaitlyn and Mrs Rotherham represented Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6

and the teachers in a soundcheck each in front of the whole school.

Siena got the highest score and is now the St Matthew's TTRS champion. Well done Siena!


Here are some photos of the TTRS assembly:


Here are the children having fun:


Year 2



Year 3


Year 4


Year 6


said ttrs






We took part in the national TTRS competition and this is how our classes did:


On the week beginning Monday 14th November it was Maths Week: 


We celebrated Maths Week England by taking part in a friendly times tables (and division) competition. The competition ran from 07:30 GMT Monday 14th November to 19:30 GMT Wednesday 16th November. It was all done online via

Well done to 4M that won our school challenge!



National Numeracy Day 2022


On Wednesday 18th May 2022 it was National Numeracy Day. 

The whole school took part in a World Record attempt for the most people

watching a TTRS livestream and we were successful!

We raised an amazing £218.36.

number day 2022



Here are some photos of Years 3 and 4 joining in:

NSPCC Number Day


We took part in the NSPCC Number Day on Friday 4th February 2022 and raised money for the NSPCC.



In Year 3, we dressed with a digit on our outfit and had lots of fun doing maths games and quizzes.


In Year 4, we wore clothes with numbers on and donated £1 for NSPCC.

We spent the day doing lots of number activities including times table rockstars and a number quiz.

We have put together some useful websites that will help support your learning.


Click on the picture and it will take you directly to the website.


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