Welcome to 3B Class Page 2024/5
Teachers in our class are Mrs Bradley, Mrs Jones and Mrs Ozard
Mr Simpson teaches us drumming on a Thursday afternoon.
Mrs Harrison teaches us French on a Monday morning.
PE days are Mondays and Thursdays
Please bring your PE kit in on Mondays and Thursdays only.
Please bring your reading book to school every day so we can read with you.
Please read a few pages at home every day and ask an adult to sign your reading record.
In Spring 2 in English we are reading The Silence Seeker by Ben Morley and Blue by Britta Teckentrup.
In Spring 2 our Science units are called Soil and Light.
In Spring 2 our Maths units are called Mass and Capacity and Fractions.
In Spring 2 our Geography unit is called Are all settlements the same?
In Spring 2 our Design Technology unit is called Textiles: Cross-stich applique Egyptian collars.
In Spring 2 our Computing unit is called IData.
In Spring 2 our PE units are called Send and Receive and Athletics.
In Spring 2 our French unit is called Games and Songs with a specialist French teacher, Madame Harrison.
In Spring 2 our RE unit is called Exploring the sadness and joy of Easter.
In Spring 2 our PSHE unit is called Safety and the changing body.
In Music we develop our music skills by doing drumming with a specialist drumming teacher, Mr Simpson.
Here are our spellings for Spring 2 half term.
There are two groups for spellings and your child should know which group they are in.
Spellings are tested each Monday on the dates shown on the sheet:
Year 3 Spring 2 Spellings 2025
We will be sending home 2 homework books on a Friday
and homework needs to be handed in as soon as it is done.
There will be an English activity in the purple book and a fun maths activity in the family maths book.
Thanks to the parents who came to the Meet The Teacher meeting on 12.9.24.
It was lovely to see you.
Here is the powerpoint that was shared:
If you have any further questions please come and speak to us at 3pm.
Year 3 Meet the Teacher Autumn 2024
We have put together some useful websites that will help support your learning.
Click on the picture and it will take you directly to the website.
In Autumn 1 in English we are reading The Sea Book by Charlotte Milner and Seal Surfer by Michael Foreman.
In Autumn 1 our Science units are called Skeletons and Movement.
In Autumn 1 our Maths units are called Place Value and Addition and Subtraction.
In Autumn 1 our History unit is called Would you prefer to live in the Stone Age Bronze Age or Iron Age?
In Autumn 1 our Art unit is called Drawing: Growing Artists.
In Autumn 1 our Design and Technology unit is called Mechanical Systems: Pneumatic Toys.
In Autumn 1 our Computing unit is called IProgram 1.
In Autumn 1 our PE units are called ABC and Gymnastics.
In Autumn 1 our French unit is called All About Me with a specialist French teacher, Madame Harrison.
In Autumn 1 our RE units are called Harvest and Creation.
In Autumn 1 our PSHE unit is called Families and Relationships.
In Music we develop our music skills by doing drumming with a specialist drumming teacher, Mr Simpson.
In Autumn 1 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
Mrs Noah's Pockets by Jackie Morris
Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen
If I Were Prime Minister by Trygve Skaug
It's Your World Now by Barry Falls
Change Sings By Amanda Gorman
In Autumn 1 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
Ruby's Worry by Tom Percival
The Twits by Roald Dahl
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
Forest School
Look what we have been getting up to in Forest School
In Spring 2 in English we are reading The Silence Seeker by Ben Morley and Blue by Britta Teckentrup.
In Spring 2 our Science units are called Soil and Light.
In Spring 2 our Maths units are called Mass and Capacity and Fractions.
In Spring 2 our Geography unit is called Are all settlements the same?
In Spring 2 our Design Technology unit is called Textiles: Cross-stich applique Egyptian collars.
In Spring 2 our Computing unit is called IData.
In Spring 2 our PE units are called Send and Receive and Athletics.
In Spring 2 our French unit is called Games and Songs with a specialist French teacher, Madame Harrison.
In Spring 2 our RE unit is called Exploring the sadness and joy of Easter.
In Spring 2 our PSHE unit is called Safety and the changing body.
In Music we develop our music skills by doing drumming with a specialist drumming teacher, Mr Simpson.
In Spring 2 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
Mrs Noah's Pockets by Jackie Morris
Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen
If I Were Prime Minister by Trygve Skaug
It's Your World Now by Barry Falls
Change Sings by Amanda Gorman
Small in the City by Sydney Smith
Elephant Island by Leo Timmer
In Every House on Every Street by Jess Hitchman
Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett
In Spring 2 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
The Creakers by Tom Fletcher
These are spellings for Spring 2 half term:
Year 3 Spring 2 Spellings 2025
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
Here are some apps our children have logins for at home. These apps will help support their learning in school. The times tables are particularly helpful to help improve speed at their times tables, ready for the Year 4 test in June.
https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0 | https://ttrockstars.com/ | https://readingeggs.co.uk/
In Summer 2 we will cover the theme “Under the Canopy”.
This unit is based on the rainforest
with a key focus on geography and history.
Pupils are comissioned to work for a fictitious organisation called ‘Roots’
in helping two adopted children, find out about their Mexican / Mayan heritage.
Through this project, they will learn about the importance of the rainforest.
Then we will cover the theme 'Lindow Man'
‘Lindow Man’ is a competency-based thematic unit with a history focus,
telling the story of prehistoric Britain, from the Stone Age to the Celts.
Pupils will learn all about their achievements and ongoing legacy.
In Summer 2 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
What the Macaw Saw by Charlotte Guillain
How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth by Michelle Robinson
Stone Age Bone Age by Mick Manning
The First Drawing by Mordicai Gerstein
The Story of Frog Belly Rat Bone by Timothy B. Ering
Our class novels we are also reading in English lessons and Class Novel time are:
The Accidental Prime Minister by Tom McLaughlin
Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl
The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry
Amazing Events we have done in Summer 2:
On Tuesday 27th June, we went to Chester Zoo to look at the animals from the rainforests
that we had been learning about. (We also looked at our other favourite animals too!)
We had a fabulous day:
On Thursday 22nd June, some year 3 children went to Rivington and
Blackrod High School and took part in a colour run.
They had a fabulous time:
Author visit:
Hot dogs on the campfire.........yum yum
We created tree cookie necklaces this week, we drilled holes in and put our thread through. Do you like them?
We made a pitched tent this week out of man made materials.
We use our muscles this week and got sawing wood. Next week we will turn our tree cookies into necklaces.
We got all creative this week with the potato peelers whittling wands. We also used the secateurs to cut Elderwood into small piece to make jewellery.
In forest school this week we made natural collages and spent a lot of time watering the plants as it's been so hot recently. we were all shocked as to how the landscape and scenery of the forest school had changed since we were last out in March.
In Summer 1 we will cover the theme “Out and About”.
This is a unit with a focus on Geography, building on children's
knowledge of the United Kingdom and the wider world.
In Summer 1 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
The Sea Saw by Tom Percival
Gorilla by Anthony Browne.
The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers
Scissorella by Clare Helen Welsh and Laura Barrett
The Zebra’s Great Escape by Katherine Rundell
Our class novels we are also reading in English lessons and Class Novel time are:
The Creakers by Tom Fletcher
The Accidental Prime Minister by Tom McLaughlin
Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl
The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry
Amazing Events we have done in Summer 1:
Poetry Day:
This week in forest school we lit a fire. Did you know you need fuel, heat and oxygen to make a fire. We toasted marshmallows and made s'mores. we then put some kernels into two sieves to make popcorn.
We had a fabulous time with out friends and family at the Coronation Picnic
on Friday 12th May 2023 to celebrate the King's Coronation.:
Football tournament:
We made man made dens this week with tarpaulins, at first we were making them for he flattest humans ever. One group managed to complete their shelter totally independently which was brilliant whilst the other two groups needed help creating a raised ridge.
This week we split into three groups and made natural dens. We had fun.
We built nests this week for the birds, do you like them?
This week in forest school we turned are wood cookies into necklaces by drilling holes through them then threading some twine through. We then decorated them and wore them with pride. Aren't they good.
This week in forest school we used the tools and sawed wood. We had to use our muscles. Next week we are going to turn them into necklaces.
St George's Day:
Earth Day:
Our learning:
In Summer 1 we will cover the theme “Out and About”.
This is a unit with a focus on Geography, building on children's
knowledge of the United Kingdom and the wider world.
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
In Spring 2 we will cover the theme “Lightning Speed”.
Lightning Speed” is a thematic unit based around the history
and development of the internet and World Wide Web,
with a focus on computing. It primarily looks at how computers communicate,
the importance of networks, how email works and how the internet enables collaboration.
In Spring 2 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
Our class novels we are also reading in English lessons and Class Novel time are:
The Creakers by Tom Fletcher
The Accidental Prime Minister by Tom McLaughlin
Amazing Events we have done in Spring 2:
We lit a fire this week in forest school and boiled water in the kelly kettle and made hot chocolate and marshmallows. We then tipped the fire out into the pit and toasted marshmallows. As it was Easter we had a Easter egg hunt to begin.
This week we built dens for humans, we needed to find extra long branches to get the structure right. We all laughed at the end when Miss Beverley fell off the log.
This week in forest school we built dens for our animals, do you like them?
It started to snow this week in forest school, we were all very excited. We hunted for animals and told each other facts about them.
We enjoyed our first session in forest school, we explored and had fun digging and climbing the rope ladder trying to touch the branch.
Mr Spedding's retirement:
Easter Raffle:
Watching violins:
Lent in church:
Our learning:
Theme: Our theme unit in Spring 2 is called Lightning Speed.
In this unit we will look at the history and development of the Internet and the World Wide Web.
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
In Spring 1 we spent 2 weeks finishing the theme “A World of Difference”.
“A World of Difference” was a thematic unit based around world religions.
It looked at the following faiths:- Buddhism, Christianity,
Hinduism, Islam and Judaism, examining aspects such as
places of worship, holy books, core beliefs and important festivals.
Then we did a 3 week theme unit called "Three Giant Steps."
“Three Giant Steps ” was a thematic unit based around three contrasting locations, with a key focus on geography.
We continued to develop our sense of place in the world by studying three focus places:-
Dover, France and Canada (The French Connection!).
We identified the position of all three places in the world, along with climate, capital city, time zone,
population and area. We will also learn about the human and physical geography of each place.
In Spring 1 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
The Green Ship by Quentin Blake
Elephant Island by Leo Timmers
Small in the City by Sydney Smith
Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett
Never Tickle a Tiger by Pamela Butchart
Our class novel we were also reading in English lessons and Class Novel time was:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
Forest School
Fire! Fire! Fire!
This week we lit a fire and then toasted marshmallows.........we each had four marshmallows, we loved it.
In forest school we created pieces of natural art framed by sticks. We worked in groups and created some very original art work. We hope you like them.
This week we had to identify natural items in the feely boxes. We had to use our other senses apart from sight to help us. We were really good at it but a few of us got mixed up with moss and grass.
We went on a scavenger hunt and found lots of interesting items in the environment. We also practised our gymnastics in the teepee.
This week we went on a worm hunt, the winning groups managed to dig out 6 in 10 minutes. Don't worry all worms were released safely back into their habitats. As it was a very cold day we lifted the lid on the ponds and smashed the ice off. We loved it but got very wet, cold hands.
Amazing Events we have done in Spring 1:
On Friday 17th February we wore our own clothes
and brought in £1 to help raise money for those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria:
Turkey own clothes day
On Tuesday 14th February every child received a heart that said something lovely about them
and then we sent our own hearts to people we love.
On Thursday 9th February we celebrated Children's Mental Health Week.
We read the story The Invisible String by Patrice Karst
and discussed who we are connected to. We
then drew pictures to show who we were connected to:
On Tuesday 7th February we took part in Safer Internet Day.
We discussed online issues and talked about how to stay safe online.
NSPCC Number Day: Friday 3rd February
We took part in a TTRS assembly. Asad represented year 3 and
did a fabulous job answering questions in front of the whole school.
We all wore our best rockstar outfits and took part in a TTRS competition online:
Our learning:
Theme: Our first theme unit in Spring 1 is called A World of Difference.
In this unit we will look at different religions and compare them.
Our second unit in Spring 1 is called 3 Giant Steps.
“Three Giant Steps ” is a thematic unit based around three contrasting locations,
Dover, France and Canada, with a key focus on geography.
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
In English we read the story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and did lots of work based on it.
We then watched the film to see how it compared with the book:
In class worship we have been discussing creativity.
In theme we did our own research about different cities in Canada.
In theme we found out about the Tour De France.
We then in groups researched 5 cities in France and presented our findings to the class.
In theme we learned about Dover. We then did some art work of the White Cliffs of Dover:
We continue to go in the library each week to celebrate our love of reading.
In theme we looked at diversity and discussed how important it is. We discussed how everyone is unique.
We looked at Google maps and found where different places of worship were in Bolton.
We then looked at the world and found how many Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists
and Jews are worshipping in the world and some of the countries in which they worship:
In theme we looked at Jewish festivals. We sang a Hannukah song in Hebrew
and we tried to do the traditional Jewish Horah circle dance.
In English we are learning about instructions.
We followed instructions to write our own rice krispie cakes.
We then wrote our own instructions for others to follow.
In Science we learned the words opaque, translucent and transparent and
did an investigation to find out which material would be the best for curtains and why:
In Science we investigated what happens to a shadow
when we change the distance away from the light source:
In Computing we are using a website called Computer First to develop our coding skills.
In RE we are learning about the prophets and how they were called to God.
We made a burning bush to show the time God spoke to Moses.
In Music we are still developing our drumming skills.
In maths we used paint to develop our maths skills:
In Autumn 2 our first theme was called “May the Force Be with You”.
It is a scientific theme unit where we learn about forces and magnets. We will learn:
A. To know how things move on different surfaces
B. To know that and observe how some forces need contact between
two objects and some forces act at a distance
C. To know that and observe how magnets attract or repel
each other and attract some materials and not others
D. To describe magnets as having two poles
E. To predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other,
depending on which poles are facing
F. To compare and group together a variety of everyday
materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials.
In Autumn 2 our second theme was called “A World of Difference”.
“A World of Difference” is a thematic unit based around world religions.
It looks at the following faiths:- Buddhism, Christianity,
Hinduism, Islam and Judaism, examining aspects such as
places of worship, holy books, core beliefs and important festivals.
In Autumn 2 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
The Proudest Blue by Malala Yousafzai
Lights on Cotton Rock by David Litchfield
Hortense and the Shadow by Lauren and Natalie O'Hara
You're Called What? by Kes Grey
In Every House on Every Street by Jess Hitchman
Our class novels we are also reading in English lessons and Class Novel time are:
Zoo by Anthony Browne
The Iron Man by Ted Hughes
Amazing Events we have done in Autumn 2:
On Tuesday 20th December it was Christmas party day:
Om Monday 21st December we went to watch A Christmas Carol at The Octagon:
On Friday 2nd December we went to the Mayor's Christmas Concert:
On Thursday 1st December we had Christmas lunch:
On Friday 25th November 8 children from Year 3
attended a dodgeball tournament and had a great time:
On Friday 18th November it was author afternoon.
Years 3 and 4 had a lovely time going into different classrooms
looking at and doing different activities about 4 non-fiction books:
England Rocks
As part of Maths Week we participated in a KS2 competition on
Monday 14th November to Wednesday 16th November.
Unfortunately we were not the winning class.
We attended a Houses of Parliament talk and debating workshop on Tuesday 8th November.
We had a great time and learned lots:
On Tuesday 8th November year 3 participated in a debate in the style of a discussion
in the Houses of Commons and had great fun:
Our learning:
Theme: Our first theme unit in Autumn 2 is called May the Force be with you.
In this unit we look at forces and magnets.
Our second theme unit in Autumn 2 is called World of Difference.
In this unit we look at different religions.
Look at what we have learned about:
We watched The Iron Giant film and compared it to The Iron Man book:
We went to a Hindu temple to find out about where Hindus worship:
In science we have been investigating reflective surfaces. We used torches to find out which surfaces were reflective so that we could design a new school bag.
We have been learning all about Hinduism in learning means the world. We made Hindu art elephants.
We have enjoyed using practical objects to help us add and subtract 3 digit numbers.
We have been working with Commando Joe on obstacle courses.
We enjoyed building the Eiffel Tower. We planned out what we would do
and then worked as teams to see who could build the biggest tower.
We enjoy our music lessons every Thursday and have been learning different musical patterns and rhythms.
In PE we have been practicing our different types of throwing. We played different games using these.
In Autumn 1 our theme was called “Law and Order”.
It is a thematic unit, based on the concept of justice, with a key focus on citizenship.
Pupils will look at the importance of leadership and the meaning of democracy and its origins, before
moving on to how this applies practically in communities, both school-wide, locally and nationally.
It finishes by recognising issues of justice, rights and responsibilities in their own setting and the wider world.
Amazing Events we have done in Autumn 1:
We watched a fabulous music concert by some music teachers:
Our learning:
Our theme unit in Autumn 1 is called Law and Order.
In this unit we have look at rules, leaders, democracy and keeping safe.
We are learning about forces in science.
We are learning about e-safety in computing.
We do drumming every week with Mr Simpson.
We are doing gymnastics in PE.
We are learning about what rules we follow in RE.
In English we are reading the poem If I were King,
The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo and The Accidental Prime Minister by Tom McLaughlin.
In maths we are learning about place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division.
We are working on independence and resilience with Commando Joe.
Look at some of the things we have done:
Archived Documents from 2022
Thank you to all the parents who attended the Meet the Teacher event in school.
It was lovely to meet you all. For those who did not manage to make it,
here is a copy of the powerpoint that was shared:
Have a look at all the wonderful, exciting things 3Robins Class of 2021/22 got up to:
Teachers in our class for the Summer term are Mrs Boyd, Mr Manning, Mrs Lightfoot and Mrs Barlow.
PE days are Thursdays and Fridays.
Please bring your PE kit in on these days only.
Please bring your reading book to school every day so we can read with you.
Here is our Summer curriculum letter so you can see what we were learning about this term:
Year 3 Curriculum Letter Summer term
Here are our Summer 2 spellings so you can practise them at home:
Year 3 Spelling Summer 2 2022
19th July- End of term treat for the person with the most dojos.
21st July- 100% attendance treat.
22nd July- End of term.
Summer 2:
This half term our topic is called “Ug!”.
“Ug!” is a thematic unit, based on the sequence of Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages, with a key focus on history.
Pupils will be looking at what life was like then and comparing similarities and differences over the three consecutive periods.
Amazing Events we have done in Summer 2:
On Monday 18th July, a local author Sean Perkins read us his story Oscar and Ben. It was brilliant:
On Monday 4th July it was our Year 3/ 4 Sports Day.
We had a fabulous time working in teams to complete different challenges
and it was lovely that our parents came to watch:
On Thursday 30th June we took 8 girls to play tag rugby.
They had a fabulous time:
On Thursday 24th June we took 8 children to a Colour Fun
Run at Rivington and Blackrod High school. We got very messy and had great fun:
On Tuesday 21st June we went to the Bridgewater Hall
to listen to, sing and play with the Halle orchestra.
We had a fabulous time. Here are some photos:
Here are the songs we sang:
On Friday 17th June it was Year 6 Fun Day.
We had fun with our friends and family at the event:
On Friday 10th June we went to our whole school art exhibition
to look at everyone's amazing art work at the end of art week:
On Tuesday 7th June, we spent the whole day exploring different art techniques.
We looked at the work of various artists and talked about how it made us feel. Everyone enjoyed being creative!
3P art day
Our learning:
Our theme unit in Summer 1 is called Ug.
In this unit we have looked at the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages.
We have looked at animals in science.
Look at some of the things we have done:
Summer 1:
This half term our topic is called “Under the Canopy”.
Under the Canopy is a thematic unit, based on the rainforest with a key focus on geography and history.
Pupils are commissioned to work for a fictitious organisation called ‘Roots’ in helping two adopted
children find out about their Mexican / Mayan heritage.
Through this project, they will learn about the importance of the rainforest.
Amazing Events we have done in Summer 1:
On Friday 27th March some of our class represented
our school at a football tournament and did a great job:
On Tuesday 24th May we had a family and friends picnic on the field to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
So many of our family came and shared a picnic and had lots of fun.
We sang songs including the National Anthem.
We danced to party songs and had a really good chat with each other:
On Thursday 21st April we went litter picking in our local area to tidy up our community
Our learning:
Our theme unit in Summer 1 is called Under the Canopy.
In this unit we have looked at the Mayans and rainforests.
We have looked at plants in science.
. Look at some of the things we have done:
On 21st June we will be going to the Bridgewater Hall to listen to and play with the
Halle orchestra so in drumming this half term we are learning the songs and music for the concert:
In Design Technology we made a crocodile grabber to sell in a toy shop using a scissor mechanism and pivots:
We made dens with Commando Joe:
Spring 2:
This half term our topic is called “Lightning Speed”.
It is a thematic unit based around the history and development of the internet and World
Wide Web, with a focus on computing.
It primarily looks at how computers communicate, the importance
of networks, how email works and how the internet enables collaboration.
World Book Day - Thursday 3rd March 2022
Handling money in our Maths lesson.
Understanding how our school's network works.
Learning how to use "2Logo".
This half term we have been playing the bamboo tamboos with Mr Simpson. This is our finished piece, we hope you like it.
Embed Code:
We love being outside learning in the Forest School, here are some of the activities we get up to.
Tools in the Forest School
Amazing Den Building
We're going on a worm hunt
Fire in Forest School 3P
Muddy Forest School Fun
Forest School
Fire Building with 3P
Spring 1
This half term our topic was called “May the Force Be With You ”.
It is a thematic unit based around magnets and forces, with a key focus
on science.
It begins with learning about contact and non-contact forces before focusing on magnets.
Pupils will learn about magnetic forces, the relevance of magnetic North and South poles and the concept
of magnetic attraction and repulsion.
In our theme 'May the Force be with You' we have looked at air resistance. We built kites and flew them outside.
Let's go fly a kite
We were doing investigations in our theme - May the Force be with you - we were investigating pushing, pulling, magnetism and gravity. Are these forces contact or distance?
Investigating Forces in Y3
In maths we have been learning how to multiply and divide a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.
We used apparatus to help us:
On Wednesday 26th January it was values day. In year 3 our value was forgiveness.
We discussed how it is important to forgive others like Jesus taught us in the Bible.
We then drew a picture on a heart. We cut it up and glued it back together
to demonstrate that forgiveness can heal a broken heart:
Autumn 2:
In Autumn 2 our theme was called “A World of Difference”.
It is a thematic unit based around world religions.
It looks at the following faiths:-
Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism, examining aspects such as places of worship,
holy books, core beliefs and important festivals.
We had a fantastic time at the Anderton Centre:
We really enjoy drumming every Thursday!
Our Commando Joe lessons are very important!
Autumn 1:
In Autumn 1 our theme was called “Law and Order”.
It is a thematic unit, based on the concept of justice, with a key focus on citizenship.
Pupils will look at the importance of leadership and the meaning of democracy and its origins, before
moving on to how this applies practically in communities, both school-wide, locally and nationally.
It finishes by recognising issues of justice, rights and responsibilities in their own setting and the wider world.
Look at our photos:
Following instructions to make a cake!
Finding out about our local MP.
Following the "Rule of Three" to create some beautiful art work.
Autumn 2:
This unit is called A World of Difference.
We looked at and compared different religions: Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam.
Taste testing food for World Culture Day
Art work to represent the Netherlands.
Making Windmills.
Investigating light and materials that reflect.
On Tuesday 30th November we wore Christmas jumpers and elf hats and shared Christmas dinner together.
We took part in an Elf Fun Run to raise money for Bolton Hospice:
On Friday 3rd December it was author afternoon.
In years 3 and 4 we mixed into 4 groups and visited each teacher to learn about a different author.
With Mrs Johnson we shared the story The Mega Magic Hair Swap by Rochelle Humes.
We learned that everyone is different and everyone is special.
We paid compliments to our partners and received lots of compliments.
Then we looked at ourselves in a mirror and told ourselves nice things:
On Monday 13th December it was our Christmas party day. We had a wonderful day.
We watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory film:
We played pass the parcel:
We played musical chairs:
We played musical bumps, musical statues and had a dancing competition:
Here you will find curriculum letters, spellings and other relevant information for Autumn, Spring and Summer 1 Terms:
Summer 1 2022:
Summer 1 spellings:
Year 3 Spellings Summer 1
Summer 1 Creative Challenge:
Year 3 Creative Challenge UTC Summer 1 2022
Spring 2022:
Spring Curriculum letter:
Year 3 Curriculum letter Spring term 2022
Spring term spellings:
year 3 spellings spring 2 2022
Year 3 Spellings Spring term 1 2022
Spring term creative challenges:
year 3 spring 1 creative challenge homework
Year 3 May the Force Be With You Creative Challenge 2021
Autumn 2021
Autumn Curriculum letter:
year 3 curriculum letter
Autumn term spellings:
Year 3 spellings Autumn 2 2022
Year 3 spellings Autumn 1 2022
Autumn term creative challenges:
Year 3 World of Difference Creative Challenge 2021
Year 3 Law and Order Creative Challenge 2021
In Summer 2 we will cover the theme “Under the Canopy”.
This unit is based on the rainforest
with a key focus on geography and history.
Pupils are comissioned to work for a fictitious organisation called ‘Roots’
in helping two adopted children, find out about their Mexican / Mayan heritage.
Through this project, they will learn about the importance of the rainforest.
‘Under the Canopy’ is a competency-based thematic unit with a geography focus.
In Summer 2 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
The Sea Saw by Tom Percival
Gorilla by Anthony Browne.
The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers
Scissorella by Clare Helen Welsh and Laura Barrett
The Zebra’s Great Escape by Katherine Rundell
In Summer 2 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry
The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher
Amazing Events we have done in Summer 2:
On Tuesday 16th July we performed a drumming assembly to our parents.
Thanks to all the parents that came to support us.:
On Tuesday 25th June it was LKS2 Sports Day.
We had a fabulous time competing in teams in the running, sack and obstacle race.
We then watched some of the parents race too.
It was a great afternoon:
On Wednesday 12th June we went to the Bridgewater Hall to sing and
play with the Halle orchestra. We had a fabulous time:
Our learning:
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
Our theme unit in Summer 2 is called 'Under The Canopy'
This unit is based on the rainforest
with a key focus on geography and history.
Pupils are comissioned to work for a fictitious organisation called ‘Roots’
in helping two adopted children, find out about their Mexican / Mayan heritage.
Through this project, they will learn about the importance of the rainforest.
We shared our powerpoints with the other year 3 class:
In PE we went on the field and practised the sprinting and sack race:
Summer 1
Our learning:
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
On Friday 10th May our parents came to the hall to do some family maths with us.
Lots of parents came and everyone had fun.
Thanks for coming parents.:
Theme: Our theme unit in Summer 1 is called
“Lightning Speed”.
It is a unit focusing on computing.
Today, in theme we have been learning about LAN (Local Area Network) and how these work. We demonstrated one ourselves:
3B - theme - LAN
In Summer 1 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
The Sea Saw by Tom Percival
Gorilla by Anthony Browne.
The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers
Scissorella by Clare Helen Welsh and Laura Barrett
The Zebra’s Great Escape by Katherine Rundell
In Summer 1 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
The Creakers by Tom Fletcher
Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by Roald Dahl
In Music we are going to play with the Halle orchestra at the Bridgewater Hall.
Here are the lyrics to the songs we are singing so you can practise at home:
Chase Down the Sun:
Chase Down the sun 2024
Step it Up:
Step it Up lyrics 2024
Here is our Spring Term curriculum letter so you can see what we were learning about this term:
Year 3 Spring Term Curriculum Letter 2024
Here was our spellings for Spring 2 half term.
There are two groups for spellings and your child should know which group they are in.
Spellings are tested each Friday on the dates shown on the sheet:
Year 3 Spellings Spring 2 2024
Thank you to the parents that came to the meet the teacher afternoon on 15th January.
For those parents that couldn't make it, here is the powerpoint that we shared:
Year 3 Meet the Teacher Powerpoint Spring 2024
In Spring 1 our theme is called “Lindow Man”.
‘Lindow Man’ is a competency-based thematic unit with a history focus,
telling the story of prehistoric Britain, from the Stone Age to the Celts.
Pupils will learn all about their achievements and ongoing legacy.
In Spring 2 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
In Spring 2 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura
Matilda by Roald Dahl
Amazing Events we have done in Spring 2:
On Monday 25th March it was Stone Age Day:
We dressed up as Stone Age people:
We found out about the Stone Age time:
We hunted animals with spears:
We explored Stone Age artefacts:
On Thursday 21st March we wore our favourite socks/ odd socks to
raise money for World Downs Syndrome Day:
On Thursday 21st March we helped our community by going litter picking:
On Friday 15th March it was Comic Relief Day.
We dressed in funky clothes that didn't match to raise money for Comic Relief:
On Thursday 7th March it was World Book Day:
We dressed as our favourite book characters:
We shared books with our friends from year 2:
We read the Little Leader, Big Dreams book about Ada Lovelace, the first computer programme.
We wrote our own books about ourselves thinking about our big dreams:
We decorated our own potatoes at home as book characters:
Our learning:
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
Theme: Our theme unit in Spring 2 is called
“Lindow Man”.
It is a history unit focusing on the Stone Age, Bonze Age and Iron Age.
We tipped our tables and pretended we were cave men and did our own cave paintings:
3j cave painting display 2024
In English we are reading The Stone Age Boy.
We acted out Om meeting the boy for the first time.
They did not speak the same language so we had to find other ways to communicate:
In science we are continuing our light topic and did an investigation to see how
the shadow size changed as we moved the object further away from the light source:
In Science we started our new topic electricity and made a bulb light up:
In computing we are continuing to use CS First to develop our coding skills:
In music we are practising our songs and pieces of music that we will be performing
with the Halle Orchestra at the Bridgewater Hall on 12th June:
In PE we are developing our sending and receiving skills:
Football sending and receiving skills:
Throwing and catching:
In PE with Mr Ainscow we are developing our fundamental skills:
In Spring 1 our theme is called “World of Difference”.
We will be learning about different religions.
In Spring 1 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett In Every House, On Every Street by Jess Hitchman Elephant Island by Leo Timmers Small in the City by Sydney Smith The Proudest Blue by Ibtihaj Muhammad and S.K. Ali |
In Spring 1 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
Matilda by Roald Dahl
Amazing Events we have done in Spring 1:
On Monday 29th January we went to Shree Krishna Temple
in Bolton to see what a real Hindu temple looked like. It was beautiful:
In English we have been looking the features and structures of instructions. We made Rice Krispie cakes and we are going to be writing instructions so that anybody can make them.
In computing we have begun our Computer Science learning. We covered networks and fibres had we had to problem solve and figure out the most effective way to cover a whole town.
Our learning:
Look at some of our photos of the things we have done:
Theme: Our theme unit in Spring 1 is called
“World of Difference”.
It is a unit focusing on different religions.
In Maths we looked at divisibility with remainders
by making shapes using different numbers of sticks:
In Autumn 2 our theme is called “May the Force Be with You”.
It is a unit focusing on Science concepts and skills. (We did some of the work in Autumn 1.)
We will be learning about forces and magnets. We will learn:
A. To know how things move on different surfaces
B. To know that and observe how some forces need contact between
two objects and some forces act at a distance
C. To know that and observe how magnets attract or repel
each other and attract some materials and not others
D. To describe magnets as having two poles
E. To predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other,
depending on which poles are facing
F. To compare and group together a variety of everyday
materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials.
In Autumn 2 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
Lights on Cotton Rock by David Litchfield The Green Ship by Quentin Blake You’re called what? by Kes Gray Hortense and the Shadow by Lauren and Natalia O’Hara Never Tickle a Tiger by Pamela Butchart |
In Autumn 2 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl
The Iron Man by Ted Hughes
Amazing Events we have done in Autumn 2:
This week in forest school we made a fire - fuel, oxygen and heat was all we needed. As the fuel was damp it was the smokiest fire ever!!!! We did enjoy our hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows though.
On Tuesday 21st November our parents came to read with us in the library:
We went on a trip to the Police and Justice Museum in Manchester. We took part in a court case and then we explored the police outfits and equipment through the years. We even went in an old jail cell.
In forest school this week we cracked the ice which had formed on the pond, it was really thick. We then went on a scavenger hunt, Miss Worthington found the longest stick!
In Autumn 1, our theme is called “Law and Order”.
It is a thematic unit, based on the concept of justice, with a key focus on citizenship.
Pupils will look at the importance of leadership and the meaning of democracy and its origins, before
moving on to how this applies practically in communities, both school-wide, locally and nationally.
It finishes by recognising issues of justice, rights and responsibilities in their own setting and the wider world.
In science our unit is called “May the Force Be with You”.
We will be learning about forces and magnets. We will learn:
A. To know how things move on different surfaces
B. To know that and observe how some forces need contact between two objects and some forces act at a distance
C. To know that and observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others
D. To describe magnets as having two poles
E. To predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other, depending on which poles are facing
F. To compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials.
We have investigated friction and how the car moved on different surfaces depending on the amount of friction.
In Autumn 1 our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:
Mrs Noah's Pockets by Jackie Morris
Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen
If I Were Prime Minister by Trygve Skaug
It's Your World Now by Barry Falls
Change Sings By Amanda Gorman
In Autumn 1 our class novels and books we read in story time are:
Ruby's Worry by Tom Percival
Matilda by Roald Dahl
In class worship each week we discuss
our school values Love, Friendship, Creative and Respect
We went on a worm hunt this week - the winning group found 32!!!!
This week we got creative in forest school with the autumn leaves. Everyone voted the curtain as the most creative.
We worked in teams this week to create a nest for a bird, do you like them?
We went on a very wet day out to Martin Mere, we began our quest to become Guardians of the Wild - we had to listen to the animals to help get Ava to her meeting. If the children complete 10 nature activities they will become a Guardian of the Wild and get a special badge and certificate.
We visited the Mayor’s Parlour - we had a drink and biscuit whilst we asked the Mayor some questions, then we had a tour of the Town Hall.
Every week we have an hour of drumming. We have been learning the names of the instruments and the families they belong to.
Fire week - fuel, oxygen and heat make fire.
What a wet week, we challenged ourselves to fill different size vessels with water. We worked well as teams.
We made homes for woodland creatures this week, then gave the trees and bushes a trim back
We started our forest school sessions this week, we loved being outside exploring. Look at the worms we collected.
We went on a scavenger hunt this week, it was wet and muddy but we had fun.
Each week we visit our class library:
In PE we are developing our skills in team games: