Curriculum intent

Learning Means the World Curriculum


At St Matthew’s CE primary School, governors and staff aim to tailor education to individual needs, interest and aptitude so as to fulfil every child’s potential in line with our school values. Our creative curriculum is driven by the 4Cs of communication, conflict, conservation and culture which meets the needs of our diverse school community. It is designed to inspire an enthusiasm for learning, engaging with and learning about challenging 21st century issues, dealing with tomorrow’s issues today.

The progression through school follows four phases:

  • Explorers (EYFS)
  • Pathfinders (KS1)
  • Adventurers (LKS2)
  • Navigators (UKS2)

We strive for children at St Matthew’s CE Primary School to leave us prepared for the next phase in their lives, having had a wealth of experiences of the world in which they live. We aim for every child to be confident in their own learning and to feel part of our community.


  • To build independence, stamina and resilience in the children.
  • To provide child led learning activities that are engaging, exciting and challenging, allowing children to foster an interest in their own learning.
  • To promote enquiry, reflection and opportunities for problem solving.
  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is cohesive and progressive, and that stimulates creativity.
  • To ensure all children have access to a well differentiated curriculum.
  • To provide first hand experiences that develop knowledge, skills and understanding, and that supports children’s natural curiosity.
  • To provide essential learning experiences, that take learning out of the classroom environment, allowing children to experience learning in a different way.
  • To create stronger learning links through a joined-up learning approach.
  • To promote an appetite for, and a love of, learning.


Curriculum Rationale


Termly Theme Cycles

Curriculum learning overviews

Curriculum road maps


Curriculum Competencies


From Dimensions 

The Learning Means the World curriculum is a new global curriculum that us forward thinking and highly relevant, dealing with tomorrow’s issues today.

The well planned and resourced cross-curricular theme units are built around four world issues: conflict, communication, conservation and culture. It is designed to help pupils acquire the knowledge, skills and values needed to thrive and succeed in the 21st century. It provides a high level of challenge and engagement. Through child led learning activities, the Learning Means the World curriculum aims to build independent and resilient learners.



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