Welcome to 5F's Class Page 2024/25



Teachers in our class are Miss Foster, Mrs Morris, Mr Burrows and Mrs Lightfoot.



PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays.

  Please bring your PE kit in on Wednesdays and Fridays only.


Please bring your reading book to school every day so we can read with you.

Please read a few pages at home every day and ask an adult to sign your reading record.


We will be sending two homework books out every Friday. There will be an English activity in the purple book and a Maths activity in the family maths book. Please have it completed ready for the following Tuesday at the latest.


Here is our spring curriculum overview so you can see what we are learning about this term: 

Year 5 - Spring


Here are our spellings for spring:

Year 5 - Spring Spellings



In Spring 2, our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:

MIGRANTS: 1 : Amazon.co.uk: BooksA Different Pond (Fiction Picture Books): Amazon.co.uk: Phi, Bao, Bui, Thi:  9781623708030: BooksThe Journey: 0 : Sanna, F: Amazon.co.uk: BooksLift : Le, Minh, Santat, Dan: Amazon.co.uk: BooksOutside In: A Caldecott Honor Award Winner : Underwood, Deborah, Derby,  Cindy: Amazon.co.uk: Books
Migrants by Issa Watanabe | A different pond by Bao Phi | The Journey by Francesca Sanna | Lift by Minh Le and Dan Santat | Outside In by Deborah Underwood and Cindy Derby


Our class novel we are also reading in English is:

The Darkest Dark

The Darkest Dark by Chris Hadfield


Our learning:



In Spring 1, our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:

Arthur and the Golden Rope - Books for BugsWe Are Water Protectors: (Caldecott Medal Winner) : Lindstrom, Carole:  Amazon.co.uk: BooksCarmela Full of Wishes: Amazon.co.uk: Pena, la, de, Matt: 9780399549045:  BooksI Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her MarkFelix After the Rain: Amazon.co.uk: Jogan, Dunja, Hellewell, Olivia:  9781910328583: Books

Arthur and the Golden Rope by Joe Todd Stanton  | We are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom | Carmela Full of Wishes by Matt de la Pena |  I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark by Debbie Levy | Felix After the Rain by Dunja Jorgan

Our class novels we are also reading in English, Whole-class Reading lessons and Class Novel time are:

Arthur and the Golden Rope - Books for BugsOdd and the Frost Giants : Gaiman, Neil: Amazon.co.uk: Books

Arthur and the Golden Rope by Joe Todd Stanton | Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman


Our learning:


This half term in History, we are learning all about the Vikings. To start our learning, we created a timeline of the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons in Britain. 

We have looked at the Viking trading routes. We researched about our given route on the iPads and then presented our findings to the class.


In Art, we have been exploring retro-futuristic artwork inspired by the 1950/60s space race. We looked at a range of space images and then experimenting with recreated the artwork in a range of different styles.

We have looked into collagraphy and have used this technique to create a board. Then, we painted and printed the boards using a roller to make a background for our final piece. 

Finally, we created a futuristic piece of artwork on top of our backgrounds of what we believe the future may look like.


In Computing this half term, we are learning about the history of cyphers and how to encrypt and decrypt different codes. First, we looked at Semaphores.

Then, we looked at Morse code and created our own messages.

Next, we looked at Caesar's cypher and tried to crack the code.


This half term, we are looking at musical composition. To start, we created our own different sounds which were represented by different hieroglyphs. We then created our own sequence and performed it to the class.

We then learnt the different musical notes and worked out different musical scales in pairs.

To finish our unit, we wrote out our own composition using musical notation and performed our piece to the class.


In PE this half term, we are improving our sending and receive skills. We have been working hard on our hockey skills. We have learned how to hold the hockey stick correctly, how to send and receive the ball. Then, we have been working in different teams to work on our game skills.


In PSHE this half term, we are looking at our health and wellbeing. To start our half term, we discussed mental wellbeing and how we can prevent stress. We looked into the history of yoga and meditation before having a go at a yoga session. We thought about our emotions and mental wellbeing before and after the session.


In science this half term, we are looking at everyday materials. This week, we made electrical circuits and tested different materials to see if they are electrical conductors or insulators.

We have also carried out an investigation to see which material is the best insulator. Each group had a different material wrapped around a beaker of hot water. We had to measure and record the temperature every 5 minutes to see which one kept the water the hottest over time.



Here is our autumn curriculum overview so you can see what we are learning about this term: 

Year 5 - Autumn


Here are our spellings for autumn:

Year 5 - Autumn Spellings



In Autumn 2, our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:

Curiosity: The Story of a Mars Rover: Amazon.co.uk: Motum, Markus, Motum,  Markus: 9781529517378: BooksMae Jemison (85) (Little People, BIG DREAMS) : Sanchez Vegara, Maria  Isabel, Morton, Janna: Amazon.co.uk: BooksThe Skies Above My Eyes (Look Closer) : Guillain, Charlotte, Zommer, Yuval:  Amazon.co.uk: BooksYour Place in the Universe: Amazon.co.uk: Chin, Jason: 9780823446230: BooksIf: A Mind-Bending Way of Looking at Big Ideas and Numbers: Amazon.co.uk:  Smith, David J.: 9780750293846: Books

Our class novels we are also reading in English and Whole-class Reading lessons and Class Novel time are:

Beowulf: Amazon.co.uk: Morpurgo, Sir Michael, Foreman, Michael:  9781406348873: BooksHansel and Gretel: a beautiful illustrated version of the classic  fairytale: Amazon.co.uk: Gaiman, Neil, Mattotti, Lorenzo: 9781408861981:  Books


Our learning:


To wish our families a 'Merry Christmas!', we spent time creating our own Christmas cards. Take a look at our designs below...


This half term we are learning all about Space and our Solar System. To start our new unit, we completed a Space-themed project where we could choose to research about the planets, write a poem or make a space model. Take a look at our beautiful creations...

We have also been visited in school by an astronaut who taught us all about the Space Race. We had an amazing day.


In DT this half term, we have completed a project to make a doodler. We started by researching motorised products and creating a simple circuit.

Then, we explored a finished doodler to see what components were included and how it was put together.

Finally, we designed and created our own doodlers.


For our last week of half term, we completed an additional DT unit all about soft toys. We looked at a range of hand-made toys and then designed our own toy thinking of what each part should be made from. After that, we learned two types of stitches - running stitch and blanket stitch. Finally, we used our own templates to cut out our fabric and sew together our own soft toys.


This half term, we have been using sketchpad in Computing to create digital images using different sized and shaped vectors.


In Music, we have been learning all about blues music, singing the blues and learning the 12 bar blues on glockenspiels.


In PE, we have completed a gymnastics unit where we looked at different balances, rolls and shapes. 

We also completed a dance unit where we created a routine using various movements to go on an imaginative journey through a forest.


In PSHE, we have explored the positives of friendship and how to be a good friend. We have also looked at others' friendship problems and how to solve them.


In Reading, we have been reading Hansel and Gretel by Neil Gaiman and explored the traditional tale themes within this story. In groups, we created a pyramid of power to show which themes we thought were most relevant to the story.


In English, we have been reading Beowulf. To explore the characters further, we hot-seated Hrothgar and then wrote a speech in role as a soldier to Hrothgar all about our thoughts and feelings on Grendel the monster. 



In Autumn 1, our 5 Reads books that we read in story time each day are:

The Lost Words: The bestselling, illustrated nature book – an enchanting  read for all agesComing to England: An Inspiring True Story Celebrating the Windrush  GenerationTeacupThe True Story of the Three Little PigsHere I Am (Na): Amazon.co.uk: Kim, Patti: 9781479519316: Books

Our class novels we are also reading in English and Whole-class Reading lessons and Class Novel time are:

Young, Gifted and Black: Meet 52 Black Heroes from Past and Present: 1 (See  Yourself in Their Stories)Race to the Frozen North: The Matthew Henson Story: 1Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 tales of extraordinary women


Our learning:


This half term, we have been looking at South and West African music focusing on the song 'Shosholoza' which is a South African song in the Xhosa language. We have also been learning different musical notations and how to play a 3-note chord on the glockenspiels. Then, we played the tune and sang the song of Shosholoza as a whole class.

Also, we practised call and response of different rhythms on the drums and claves. We had one child as our leader who demonstrated the rhythm and the rest of the group responded back.


Our first art project this year was self portraits with the extra challenge of using a continuous line! After we created these, we used tracing paper to create a line poem called 'I am...' which listed all the amazing things about us. Then, we spent time creating an effective background in a range of mediums including collage, watercolours, pastels and chalk. Take a look at each stage and our completed pieces below...

Our second art project this half term was multimedia portraits. We explored different artists who have created portraits as well as what 'multimedia' means. Then, we explored different mediums we could use to enhance our photographs. After, we chose our favourite medium to create our final multimedia self portrait.


For the last two weeks of our half term, we have been looking at the narrative poem 'The Song of Hiawatha', performing this poem and creating our own all about Matthew Henson and his Arctic expedition. We practised performing the poem whilst remembering to use loud, clear voices for our audience.


This half term in computing, we have been working on our coding skills on the software Scratch. We have learned how to create our own games with characters that can move around, collect items, earn points, win and lose lives and reach different levels.


To start our new topic on the Ancient Greeks, we looked at the timeline of Ancient Greece and key periods during this time. Then, we worked in groups to follow carefully instructions so that we could create our own timelines. We were so proud of what we did! Take a look...

After learning all about Athenian democracy, we had our own whole class debate on "Should everyone be allowed to vote?" with one side FOR and one side AGAINST. In our groups, we thought of arguments that supported our stance. Then, we debated against the opposing team. A group of neutral children decided which group was the most persuasive.


In Science this half term, we are exploring different forces and are carrying out experiments to investigate and understand these forces.


First, we looked at friction and recapped our learning from Year 3. We investigated whether a wooden cube or ice block would fall down a ramp quicker and explored why.

Air resistance:

Then, we looked at air resistance by comparing how paper falls to the ground when the surface area is changed. We know that the bigger the surface area, the more air resistance acts upon the paper and slows down the fall.

We further investigated air resistance by creating our own parachutes to investigate how the size of a parachute affects the time it takes to fall to the ground. We found out the larger the surface are of the parachute, the longer it takes to reach the ground because there is more air resistance... just like with the paper!

Water resistance:

We have also investigated water resistance and how the shape of an object affects how quickly it can fall through water. We found out that the more streamline an object, the faster it falls through water.


The final force we looked at in our Science this half term was gravity. We looked at the effects gravity has on objects on Earth. We found out that mass has no effect on the speed at which objects fall.


In our PE this half term, we have been completing mission with our Commando Joe leader. These tasks help us work well as part of a team and develop our resilience.


Over the half term, we have been working with a charity called Fortalice to learn all about healthy relationships.

To start off our new year together, we reflected on our previous year's learning in PSHE thinking about relationships, health and safety. Then, we came up with new rules for our PSHE lessons this year so that everyone feels safe and comfortable to ask questions and share their ideas.



Here are some apps our children have logins for at home. These apps will help support their learning in school.

                       MATHSFLEX                                                                     TIMESTABLE ROCKSTARS                                             https://st-matthews.bolton.sch.uk/images/download.png                                                                    

https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0   |        https://ttrockstars.com/                             |       


We have put together some useful websites that will help support your learning.


Click on the picture and it will take you directly to the website.

         https://st-matthews.bolton.sch.uk/images/vFYOm4_3_400x400.jpg  https://st-matthews.bolton.sch.uk/images/main-oxford-owl.png        https://st-matthews.bolton.sch.uk/images/p0818pf5(1).pnghttps://st-matthews.bolton.sch.uk/images/social-sharing.png


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