Welcome to our class page 

Year 2M 2023-2024

Class team - Miss May and Miss Phillips

Mrs Jones (Tuesday and Thursday afternoon)

121 support - Miss Catherall and Mr Burrows


Upcoming events:

Year 2 SATS starting on Friday 17th May to Thursday 23rd May

Year 2M 2022-23 

Theme Curriculum Overview for Summer 

Medicine Woman - Elizabeth Blackwell

‘Medicine Woman’ is a competency-based thematic unit with a history focus, telling the inspirational story of Elizabeth Blackwell. She is famous for being the first woman to graduate from medical school and the first female Doctor of Medicine in modern times. Pupils will learn, through her life story, all about her achievements and ongoing legacy.

Going Wild

“Going Wild” is a thematic unit based around humans and animals, with a science focus. Pupils will look at humans and animals, beginning with characteristics of living and non-living things through to classifying birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. There will be a particular focus on looking after animals and pupils will learn about extinction, wildlife conservation, habitat destruction and endangered species.


Summer 1 Spelling Overview

Spelling books (small red home books) need to be in school every Wednesday.

Spelling test will be every Thursday!

We ask the children to practise their spellings at home because this will help them to become a more confident speller.

A list of the weekly spellings are attached below.

Summer 1 Year 2 Spellings List


We have been looking at the benefits of exercise. We did lots of different activities and discussed the effects and benefits of exercising.





Our well-being walk

We have been thinking a lot about our well-being and how we can look after ourselves. We decided to go for a lovely walk around Entwistle Reservoir. It was amazing!

2M Wellbeing walk







Information Tec

In Computing, we have been learning how to use a search engine on the internet. We used google to effectively search questions about animals.

2M Information Tec





Coronation Picnic 

We have been celebrating the King's Coronation by having a Coronation Picnic Party on our school field. We invited our friends and family and celebrated by eating lots of delicious food and dancing. 

2M Coronation Picnic





We went to Eureka to celebrate Science Week! We got lots of time to explore an area called 'All about me' and we watched a show all about our five senses. 

2M Eureka







Earth Day!

We decided to celebrate Earth Day by discussing the ways in which we can invest and improve our planet. We all agreed that in order to save our planet, we are all responsible. We decided to write messages on our hands to describe the ways in which we can invest into our planet. 

2M Earth Day







We have just started our new unit of work, Information Technology. We are learning how to effectively search on search engines. Today we used google to search animals facts. 

Computing 2M IT




Spring 1 Spelling Overview

Spelling books (small red home books) need to be in school every Wednesday.

Spelling test will be every Thursday!

We ask the children to practise their spellings at home because this will help them to become a more confident speller.

A list of the weekly spellings are attached below.

Year 2 Spellings overview Spring 1

Our 5 Reads for Spring 2 

As a class during Spring 2, we are focusing on these 5 books:

Space Tortoise by Ross Montgomery.

That's my flower by Alice Hemming and Nicola Slater.

Ebb and Flo and their new friend by Jane Simmons

Jungle Jamboree by Jo Empson

When the cucumber lost his cool by Michelle Robinson 


In our English lessons we are reading:

Mr Bunny's Chocolate Factory by Elys Dolan


In our RE we have been looking at the Easter story. We created our own Paschal Candles which included all of the correct symbols. 



For Science Day we did lots of exciting experiments and investigations. Here are some photos of the work we did. 

History - semaphores 

In History, we have been looking at how people used to communicate in the past. We discovered people would use semaphores to communicate. We had a go at creating our own messages. 

2M History Semaphores




World Book Day!

We have had such an exciting day in school today for World Book Day! We dressed up as book characters and had lots of opportunities to read new books. We went up to the year 6 classroom and found a new reading buddy. We read our favourite books to the year 6 children. This was our most favourite part of the day! 

2M World Book Day







Llama Art 

In Geography, we have been looking at Peru and comparing it to London. We discovered that a very famous animal is Peru is the Llama. So we decided to use oil pastels to create colourful Llama Art!

2M Llama Art








In Maths, we have learning all about 2D shapes and 3D shapes. We have using lots of different maths equipment in our lessons. We enjoyed using the mirrors to look at the lines of symmetry in 2D shapes and we used the 3D shapes to count the faces. 

2M Maths Shape





Year 2 Dance Competition

In Year 2, we have been learning a dance in our PE lessons. We decided to have a competition and perform it to the year 1 classes. It was so much fun having an audience to dance to. Here are some of our favourite photos!

Year 2M Dance Competition






Class worship

In class worship this week, we gave the children an opportunity to choose what they would like to engage in do they can feel creative and independent. Some children chose to use the reflection corner to write prayers and other children decided to sit with their friends and read stories from the Bible. It was lovely to see the children make their own choices. 







In Science we did an 'egg'cellent experiment! We have been looking at everyday materials and today we measured the strength of an egg shell. We predicted how many books we think the egg shells can hold before breaking. We were very surprised how much they can hold! 

2M Science1




Mental Health Awareness Week

We have had lots of discussion this week about our feelings and the importance of taking care of ourselves. I challenged the children to work as a team to try and get the hoop around the circle whilst holding hands. We also talked about how we all are all connected.


2M connection




Science bag work

Look at this incredible work one of our pupils have done this weekend. This pupil got chosen to have the science bag and he returned to school this morning with this incredible work! 

2M Science bag


NSPCC Rockstar Day!

Today we raised money for NSPCC by dressing up as rockstars! We played times table rockstars and did lots of fun maths of activities. 

2M Rockstar Day








In Science we looked at changing the shapes of everyday objects. We completed an experiment where we tried to squash, twist, bend and stretch different materials. It was so much fun!

2M Science 1





Class worship

In our class worship, we have been exploring this term's value 'Creativity'. We established what creativity is and as a team we all decided we would like to get creative and dance together.

2M Class Worship




In our English lessons we have been reading George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. We have been working in groups to create alliteration for our instructions on 'How to make a marvellous potion!'






In our PE lessons, we have started a new unit which focuses on dance. We have been practising dancing in unison. We have learnt dancing in unison means dancing at the same time.

2M Dance





In computing, we have just started a new unit of work which is looking at Computer Science. In our first lesson, we started to explore and understand what an algorithm is. We used the beebots to create our own set of instructions. 

2M Computing





In maths, we have just started a new unit of work which is looking at division. We have been using concrete objects to understand how to divide into equal groups. 

2M Maths




Our 5 Reads for Spring 1 

As a class during Spring 1, we are focusing on these 5 books:

Rhyme Crime by Jon Burgerman

This is not my hat by Jon Klassen

Eyes that kiss in the corner by Joanna Ho 

Beegu by Alexis Deacon

The boy who sailed the world by Julia Green 


In our English lessons we are reading:

George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl

Mr Bunny's Chocolate Factory by Elys Dolan

Theme Curriculum Overview for Spring 1 and 2.

Zero to Hero Unit:

“Zero to Hero” is a thematic unit about heros and heroines, both past and present, who have overcome major challenges in life and become inspirational figures. There is a key subject focus on history.

Paddington's Passport:

A geography-based National Curriculum thematic unit with a focus on two contrasting locations. Pupils will learn about locational similarities and differences, through studying the human and physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom, and of a contrasting non-European country i.e. Lima, Peru and London.


In Science, we predicted what material would work best as a switch in a circuit. We then completed the experiment and discovered that the metal paper clip was the best material for a switch. Here are some photos of us during our investigation.

2M Science








Father Christmas!

We had a very special visitor today! Father Christmas came into our class today and gave us all a special present. We all got given a book each which we can take home! We feel very lucky!

Christmas Party!




Christmas Recipe

We performed our Nativity called Christmas Recipe to the school and our parents! We had so much fun and we loved singing the songs! 


Christmas Recipe



Parents visit to our Library! 

Our parents visited our library today. We read our favourite books to our family and carers. 

2M Library







Commando Jo 

We took part in an obstacle course today in groups of three. One person was blindfolded and the other 2 people in the group had to help guide the blindfolded person around the course. 

Commando Jo 2M.





Art - Christy Brown

We talked about an artist called Christy Brown. He had cerebral palsy so he could only use his left foot to paint. He carefully held the paintbrush in between his toes in order to paint beautiful pictures. We thought it was going to be easy but we soon discovered that it is very difficult. 

2M Christy Brown





English - editing hand

Our English group has been learning a new skill in English which is understanding how to edit our own work. We have been using the editing hand to help us edit our sentences.

Editing hand 2M



The Mayors Christmas Concert!

We had so much fun at the Mayors Christmas Concert! We watched the orchestra play lots of different instruments and play our favourite Christmas music!

Christmas Concert 2M





In today’s lesson we were given a challenge. Our challenge was to make the light bulb light up using a simple circuit. We had to experiment with the equipment and communicate with our partner in order to turn the light bulb on.

2M Electricity







2B and 2M joined together to have a bench ball tournament. We were practising our throwing and our catching skills and we had lots of fun.

Guided Reading

We have started looking at a new book titled 'How to catch a star' by Oliver Jeffers. After we read the book, we had lots of fun working as a big team to mindmap adjectives that describe the character's appearance and personality. 

2M Guided Reading.





In Maths we have been learning our 10 times tables. 

2M 10 times tables





Today at school we all dressed in our pyjamas in order to raise money for Children In Need! 

2M Children In Need PJ day


Christmas Cards

We have been making Christmas cards for Bolton at Home. Our Christmas cards will be given to the elderly as part of a winter activity pack.

2M Christmas Cards




English - noun phrases

In small groups we have been creating noun phrases to describe Father Christmas. We worked as a team to think of lots of creative adjectives which we could include in our writing. Here are some pictures of our mindmaps.

2M English1




In our guided reading lessons, we have been looking at Mother Teresa. We read through the book Mother Teresa, Little People Big Dreams and did lots of tasks together which helped to understand the book and Mother Teresa's life. We then compared Mother Teresa's life and Dr Thomas Barnardo's life and looked at the similarities and differences between these two inspirational people.

2M Guided Reading




We have just started reading the book, The Owl who was afraid of the dark by Jill Tomlinson. Before we started reading the book, we used the front cover and blurb to make predictions about what we thought the book will be about.

2M English







In our History lessons, we have been looking at Dr Thomas Barnardo. For the past 2 weeks we have learning about his life and in our final lesson we used a timeline to order his life events in chronological order. 


2M History




     Our Trip to Bury Fire Training Centre 

We visited Bury Fire Training Centre and did lots of activities in their amazing facilities. We now know that you dial 999 if you need the emergency services, that if you were on fire you should STOP, DROP and then ROLL. We recapped on how to cross the road safely and many other things. We hope you enjoy the photos of our trip. 




This half term our theme is Unity in the Community.

Theme overview "Unity in the Community" is a thematic unit about the area you live in, with geography focus. Pupils will develop their geographical skills, local knowledge and understanding through learning about their school, the features of its ground, the surrounding area and how it has changed over time. They will be taught all about the importance of acting responsibly within both the school and the wider community. 



In our computing lessons, we are learning how to correctly type on a computer using 2type on Purplemash to help us. 

Year 2M Computing




Our Class Assembly

The theme of our class assembly was ‘friendship’. We created a performance that celebrated the friendships we have with one another. We read a story from the Bible about Elijah and Elisha, which highlights the importance of being a kind and thoughtful friend.  

Year 2M Class Assembly




In our maths lessons we have been adding and subtracting 1 digit and 2 digit numbers. We have been using the base ten equipment to help work out the answers.  

Year 2M Maths







Commando Jo

We have had so much fun in our Commando Jo lessons! In this lesson, we worked as a team to recreate the world map using lots of different PE equipment.

Year 2M Commando Jo




Class Worship

Every Wednesday we have our class worship. Class worship gives us the opportunity to reflect together and as individuals.

Last half term our value was ‘friendship’.

We created our own prayer that celebrates friendship and asks God to guide us to be kind and caring friends.

2M Class Worship

A trip around our local community

We went for a walk around our local community to understand what makes up our local community is. We spotted the Church, the Mosque, the doctors, our school and lots more places.

We talked about human and physical features whilst on our walk too. We spotted lots of human features such as roads, houses and factories.

Our favourite part was going on the local park! We had lots of fun playing with our friends.

2M Local Community Walk

















We went out into forest school to explore different types of trees. We identified the trees by looking at their leaves and used a checklist to record our findings. We discussed the different types of shapes, colours and textures of the leaves with our partners. Next we compared our findings with the rest of the class and discussed the name of the trees which the leaves were from.

2M Science Forest School











Unity in the community – Geography

We explored the school grounds and looked at old pictures of what the school used to look like. We compared the old pictures to how the school looks today. We spotted lots of differences! We were shocked at how different the school used to be!

2M Exploring the school



As a class, during Autumn 2, we are focusing on reading these 5 books:

Malala's Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai

Mother Teresa (Little People, Big Dreams) by Isabel Sanchez Vegara

Good Little Wolf by Nadia Shireen

The Secret Sky Garden by Linda Sarah

Mr Big by Ed Vere


In our English lessons we are reading: 

The Owl who was afraid of the dark by Jill Tomlinson

How to catch a star by Oliver Jeffers 



Spelling books (small red home books) need to be in school every Wednesday.

Spelling test will be every Wednesday!

We ask the children to practise their spellings at home because this will help them to become a more confident speller.

A list of the weekly spellings are attached below.

Autumn 2 Spellings Overview


Have a look at what we will be studying in the Autumn term.

Year 2 poppies curriculum letter


Theme curriculum overview for Autumn 2:

“Zero to Hero” is a thematic unit about heros and heroines, both past and present, who have overcome major challenges in life and become inspirational figures. There is a key subject focus on history.

As a class, during Autumn 1, we focused on reading these 5 books:


Mr Big by Ed Vere

Dear Greenpeace by Simon James

Squirrel me Timbers by Louise Pigott

Aliens love underpants by Claire Freedman & Ben Cort

The Cow that laid an Egg by Andy Cutbill


In our English lessons we are reading: 

We're going on a bear hunt by Michael Rosen

The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith


Tuesday and Thursday

Please make sure you bring your PE kit in a bag on these days. PE kits can be left in school in our classroom PE box.


Please bring your reading books and records into school everyday so we can listen to you read in school.

We encourage parents and carers to read with the children at home to help them become a more confident reader.

This half term we are reading...


Please bring your red spelling book into school every Friday. Our weekly spelling test will be every Tuesday and you will get new spellings to stick into your red spelling book. 

We encourage children to practise their spellings at home.

Year 2 Summer Curriculum Letter 

Have a look at what we are learning this term!

Year 2 Summer Curriculum Letter


In English, we have been learning about adjectives. We worked in small groups to mindmap a range of interesting adjectives.


We learnt how to communicate through semaphores. This is how people used to communicate in the past. 

Zero to Hero

For our final theme lesson, we created a personalised thank you card to our favourite Zero to Hero figure. First we planned our design then we created it using a range of different materials. 

2M Class Assembly 

We created a class assembly which focused on the value 'forgiveness'. We worked together as a team to create a performance that highlighted the importance of forgiveness.

2M Class Assembly




We have been learning about electricity and how to make a simple circuit. Here are some photos of us experimenting with different ways to make the light bulb turn on.


For one of our big writes, we are going to write a set of instructions on how to make rice crispy cakes. First, we made the rice crispy cakes and talked through each step that we will use in our instructions.


In Art, we have been learning about an inspiring artist called Christy Brown. Christy brown had cerebral palsy so he used his feet to paint. We discussed the resilience and perseverance that Christy Brown embodied and applied his art practise into creating our own art work.

Maths - Money Unit

In Maths, we have been learning all about money. We have really enjoyed using the coins and notes manipulatives to help embed our learning.

PSHE - Affirmations

We have been learning to take care of ourselves and how important it is to prioritise our own wellbeing. We wrote special affirmations, which we can read to ourselves every morning we come into school. 

Instructions - English

In English, we have been learning about instructions. We made Jam sandwiches and unpicked the imperative verbs and time adverbials that were used in the instructions. 

Computing - Coding - Beebots

We have started learning all about algorithms! In today's lesson, we inputted instructions into the Beebots and it created an algorithm. 

100% Attendance

These children achieved 100% attendance for the Autumn Terms! 

2M 100% Attendance


Zero to Hero 

In Theme, we have started a new unit called Zero to Hero. We started looking at the inspirational figure, Michael Jordan. We practised shooting hoops and we found it very difficult but we learnt to never give up and keep persevering.

Make Equal Groups

In Maths, we have been learning to make equal groups. Here are some photos of using making equal groups.

Year 2 Autumn Curriculum Letter 

Have a look at what we are learning this term!

Year 2 Autumn Curriculum Letter

Christmas Party!

KS1 had their Christmas party! We did lots of dancing and singing. We also had a special visitor, which was Santa!


The Mayors Christmas Concert

On Friday, we watched the Mayor's Christmas Performance. We listened to lots of live music and sang along to our favourite Christmas songs. 

Guided Reading - Hey Ewe!

In guided reading, we have been practising reading our lines for our Christmas performance. We worked in pairs, to read the sentences. Then we performed it with expression.

2M Guided Reading 3




Science - Plants

We have been learning about how to keep plants healthy. We sorted images of plants which were very unhealthy because they had too much water, too much sun or no water at all.

2M Science Plants 2




RE - Good News 

In RE, we have been learning about the Christmas story. We have learnt that God sent angels to spread good news to others.

2M RE Angels



Cesar Manrique 

In DT, we have been focusing on the artist Cesar Manrique. We designed and created a wind toy, which was inspired by Cesar's work.

PE - Team work games

In year 2, we have been focusing on teamwork and finding ways in which we can work well in small teams. We have been playing lots of games which has helped us to get better at our team work skills.

Science }- plants 

In Science, we have been investigating how water travels through the stem and leaves. We will observe how the celery changes colour over the next couple of weeks. 

Bury Fire Training Centre 

Year 2 visited the Bury Fire Training Centre. We learnt lots of new information about fire safety. Our favourite part was practising STOP DROP AND ROLL.

Geography - A walk around our local community

We went for a walk around our local community to spot the physical and human features. 

Guided Reading 

We have been learning about plants in Science, so today we have reading a non-fiction text on plants. We have been practising the skill of scanning through a text to spot key vocabulary.

2M Guided Reading scanning a text



We created a poster on purple mash promoting E-Safety in school.

2M Computing E-safety






Geography - Comparing how places change 

In Geography, we have learning about human and physical features. We looked at old pictures of the school and then went on a hunt around the school to spot how the school has changed over the years.

2M Geography School Tour




Science Investigation 

In Science, we have learning all about plants. In today's lesson we planned each step of our investigation. Then we got the opportunity to plant the seeds and put them in different parts of the school.

Trip to The Hive 

PSHE - Special messages

In PSHE, we are learning about relationships and friendships. Today we wrote a special message to someone in the classroom to remind them how special they are.

y2 PSHE 23-24 special message




Green Cross Code

In PSHE, we have been learning how to cross the road safely. 

2M Green cross code


PSHE - Speaking and Listening

In PSHE, we focused on our speaking and listening skills. We played lots of games and activities which helped us to develop these skills. 






We have been learning all about place value. We have been using our base ten and part whole models to partition 2 digit numbers. 

2M Maths Place Value





In PE, we have been playing fun warm up games such as the animal game. We have been moving our bodies in different ways to create different shapes and sizes. 

2M PE 1
















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